Tuesday, November 4, 2008

An Overnight Camp for our Frequent Flyers!

Hello Frequent Flyers!
We have reserved a special Overnight Camp just for our Frequent Flyers. It will be held on November 21st starting at 7:00 P.M. and ending Saturday morning at 10:00 A.M. The cost is $35.00 per person, a $5.00 savings off the normal price. It is open to any Frequent Flyer (age 10 to 14 of course). If you are not a Frequent Flyer and would like to be please have one of your parents send the Space Education Center an email requesting to be added to the Frequent Flyer list. The email should include a parent's name, your name, and the email address you'd like us to use.
We are running the following missions for the November 21st Overnight Camp:

Voyager: Greenpeace (The Corridor)
Magellan: Defender
Odyssey: Heir to the Empire
Phoenix: Intolerance
Galileo: Maximus (or Scorpion Relay)

This special overnight camp's purpose is to allow our Frequent Flyers to go on any mission they haven't done yet this year. If there is a mission you haven't done on this list then you may enroll. To enroll please send me an email with the following information:

Your Name:
Your Address:
Your Phone Number:
Your Age:
What Mission(s) would you like to do?
First Choice:
Second Choice:
Third Choice:

Be sure to list only missions you haven't done! If we can't put you in your first choice you'll get your second or third. If we don't get enough people for the simulator
it won't be run for the camp.
We will enroll you in the camp and pre-assign you to a simulator. We will send a return email confirmation with your Parent Permission Form attached. We will collect checks from you when you arrive on November 21 at 7:00 P.M.
Frequent Flyers are given opportunties to test new missions and fill overnight slots at a discount if school's do not fill their allocated positions. They are also given first notice of new missions and camps. Frequent Flyers are allowed to attend the Space Education Center's free Voyager Club to earn class hours for their rank.

Mr. Williamson

1 comment:

  1. I am counting down the days until i get to come to this camp. I can't wait for Intolerance!
