Yesterday at the Space Center:
- Christine and Skyler met to discuss improvements in the Odyssey (electrical and speaker wiring)
- Alex continued his work on the Magellan's new starship controls (the Magellan is switching from a starbase to a starship).
- Dave was in working on Phoenix issues.
- I was there with my feet up on the desk giving orders while drinking pineapple juice from a coconut shell.
- Kyle, Jon and Nate continued their work on the Magellan refit. I don't have pictures today because the signs are not installed. I'll post pictures as soon as they've made more visible progress.
- Cory, our lightening specialist, came in to consult on additional red alert lighting for the Magellan.
I didn't like Captain America for many reasons, one of which is illustrated above. It wasn't bad enough to throw away my 5 dollar popcorn but bad enough to feel like I was being slung through a muddy pig pen of story built around special effects.
The last time Missy when to a plotless movie the muck ruined her nice pink shoes.
Missy is going to the movie today well prepared.
I need something to wash away that bad taste in my mouth. A trip to the Imaginarium should do the trick.......Missy is going to the movie today well prepared.
A New Take on Star War's Movie Posters
And finally, what better way to remove the taste of bad film?
I'd pay 5 real American dollars for one of these (none of that phony Canadian stuff). Where? Where? Ah the humanity! To feast with eyes alone, leaving the tongue so unsatisfied.
Mr. W.
Where on this dear Earth do you get all these priceless pictures and such? I can't get enough of them.