It's going to be a cold one on the street this morning, me and my orange pumpkin suit, ushering the younglings across the street and into the claws of their ever waiting teachers....
What is On This Week's Agenda?
1. The demolishion of the Odyssey is scheduled to begin.
2. We have a district Space Center Committee meeting at Central on Thursday.
3. My math students are getting their chapter 6 tests. There will be cause for
great rejoicing accented with a bout or two of weeping and wailing and
gnashing of teeth.
4. A couple of the 6th graders I work with at Shelley Elementary won the NASA
essay contest. They wrote, I critiqued. They wrote some more, I critiqued.
They edited and I edited....... They submitted and won. Their class gets
a video conference with a NASA team this morning.
I've discovered how much I missed teaching. Going back into the classrooms full time after 22 years is like starting a new career. I'm energized, excited and motivated (I spent a few hours on Khan Academy brushing up on my math this weekend - that shows a real motivation!). It reminds me why I became a teacher in the first place. The Space Center was the unexpected turn my career took. How nice it is to find classroom teaching again.
I encourage you to explore education as a career. There are long hours and low pay, but there are other rewards which make it fulfilling.
Teaching isn't for everyone, but if you enjoy students and learning. If you can handle the odd goofball and know it all, if you can cope with the politics, then give it a consideration.
How about a quick stroll through the Imaginarium?
Snowman Apocalypse!
The Ultimate Reading Nook in your Home
"Chill for Best Results"
Creativity: A
God likes variety. Give the people in your life room to be themselves.
A Book Lover's Christmas Tree.
Imagination: A
They belong together.
I subcribe to this rule for two reasons:
1. Revealing everything you know removes the advantage of keeping your around.
Always try to be regarded as as the #1 person.
I don't want to hear what you say. Show me.
Let's hear it for the things that really matter!