Contact Victor Williamson with your questions about simulator based experiential education programs for your school.

Monday, July 30, 2012

News Late in Coming (Sent by Pigeon Post)

     Space Center Pigeon Post
     Late but Reliable

Photo by Victor Williamson (Staff Photographer).  Expert Photoshopping by Victor Williamson

Pleasant Grove
Pigeon Post Extra
Sometime Last Month

Odyssey Directorship Changes Hands

In a solemn ceremony held at the Space Education Center and in full view of several staff and young volunteers, Odyssey Set Director Christine Gosland handed the Odyssey's Flight Director's microphone to Emily Paxman, and by so doing successfully and remorsefully ended her carrier as Odyssey Set Director.

Emily Paxman received the microphone graciously (well, sort of).  In her acceptance speech, Emily described the time Christine held the Microphone as "The Odyssey's Golden Age".  She went on to say, "Christine took the Odyssey from the depths of deprivation into the radiance of the Enlightenment.  It can only compare to Europe's transition from the Dark Ages to the Renaissance."

After a moment of applause, Emily turned to Christine and asked her to remove her shoes.
"How can I possibly fill these shoes?" she exclaimed as she desperately tried to insert her feet into shoes noticeably too large for her feet.  "You see.  It's impossible."

Christine reassured Emily.  "I have full confidence in your abilities. You will be a great leader. Take what I've done and Soar!"

Christine emphasised the point by running around the Briefing Room while flapping her arms to signify 'Soaring'.  Emily followed, flapping her arms to signify that she was ready to soar with the eagles.  It was a touching moment, a moment this seasoned reported may never forget.

Christine flew from the room and out the school's front door shouting,
"さようなら, ごきげんよう, ではまた
And with that, Christine was gone like the the missionary training center to prepare for her mission to Japan.  

Congratulations Emily on your new positions as Odyssey Set Director.


The Space Center's Last Super Overnight Camp


Flight Director Jon Parker and his Doppelganger (pretending to be a reflection)  
Arriving to Fly the Space Center's Last Super Overnight Camp

Pleasant Grove
by Pigeon Post
Not as Late as the Previous Story

Jon Parker and his faithful Troubadours gathered last Friday evening to perform the Center's last Super Overnight Camp.   The performance began at 5:00 P.M. and ended Saturday morning at 10:00 A.M.

"A Super Overnighter is different than a normal overnighter because we stay up later and get more tired," Jon explained.  "I get so tired I can hardly keep my eyes open.  Its a struggle, but we manage."

Jon wasn't kidding.  The campers were kept up until 2:43 A.M.  I should know because I was on hand as a chaperon.  The staff staggered to their sleeping mats and collapsed.

"Oh, I forgot to add that on a Super Overnighter the campers get fed a mighty fine supper and snacks for later.  The breakfast is better than a normal Overnight Camp as well.  It's good eatin all around!"  Jon exclaimed.

Aleta With her famous Paklid Spaghetti
A real treat for those with a functioning pancreas.
What she does with a pair of scissors and a platter is unbelievable! 

 Aleta after a rough day in the kitchenActually, when not preparing camper meals, Aleta likes to get into character and join in the fun in the simulators.   With a bit of makeup, Aleta transforms to Adrian Stevens.

Jon wasn't kidding.  Just look at the supper spread compliments of the Space Center's Head Cook, Aleta Clegg

Flight Director Jon hunted me down once more before I could get away.  "I got something else to add," he said as he pulled on my arm.  "A Super Overnight Camp is different than a normal Overnight Camp because we bring in a make up artist to transform the staff and volunteers into the story's characters." 

 Jon wasn't kidding!  Just look at the Space Center's make up artists at work.

Ben Murdock before his transformation

 Ben Murdock after his transformation.  Hideous comes to mind.

 Devin Sudwicks before his transformation.

Devin's Transformation at the hands of Amanda Hadley   

Devin after our artist had her way with him.  He brought several of the campers to tears when they first saw him moving toward them in the darkened halls

A surprise visitor crept into the Center during the early hours of the morning.  Was it a bird?  Was it a plane?  No, it was The Red Blemish - Ordinaire!  Arriving on his trusty Red Scooter to help the campers defeat the evil Galactic forces of Mad Dog and the dread Orion Pirates.

It was truly a Super Overnight never to be forgotten.


Anonymous said...

The pictures of Devin should be swapped....

Anonymous said...

BYE CHRISTINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!