I found this picture online and thought you'd be interested in taking a look at the what we used in the USS Voyager, my first simulator at the CMSEC built in 1990. This Mac computer was revolutionary in its day - not to mention very pricey.
Apple Computers was kind enough to donate several. Each included the CPU, a keyboard, a block of a mouse and an external hard drive kept under the desk. Programming was the next problem. Personal computers were new on the market and nobody I knew had good enough programming skills to do a set of starship controls. The solution came from Apple. I was flown to Cupertino, California and given a weekend crash course in Apple's Hypercard language. I came home with just enough knowledge to put out a set of controls to open the Voyager in November 1990. Those controls are laughable today, but in their day, they were almost, nearly impressive.
We've come a long way baby.....
Welcome a New Farpoint Voyager Member
Troubadours, please join me in welcoming our newest member of the Farpoint Voyagers Club. Andrew is going into the 6th grade and recently finished his two mission observations. He is now a fully accredited volunteer at the CMSEC. In fact, just today I found him working a Magellan mission. He looked fierce in his Orion Pirate outfit with hand phaser. The crew didn't stand a chance. Welcome to the club Andrew!
Life is never boring at the Christa McAuliffe Space Education Center. How could it be with a staff as crazy as this?
I know there's a story behind this video. And to be honest, I'm not curious enough to ask. Let's let this video speak for itself.
If you like what you see, the CMSEC staff perform most Saturday nights at the Broken Boot Bar and Grill in Heber. It's a way to earn a little on the side.
The Imaginarium