Contact Victor Williamson with your questions about simulator based experiential education programs for your school.

Sunday, August 20, 2023

Introducing This Summer's Crop of New Flight Directors at the Christa McAuliffe Space Center. Unity Gaming Engine Class Starts at the Space Center. Lissa Hadfield Returns to the Space Center Under the Reactivation Clause. Imaginarium Theater.

     The best harvest season for new Flight Directors at the Christa McAuliffe Space Center is at the end of the summer space camp season. Summer is the perfect fertile ground to grow new Flight Directors, with daily camps of 52 campers running 2.5 to 8 hour long missions.  Daily camps mean many opportunities to learn and practice the skills needed to be successful in the Control Rooms' First Chairs.
     Local Flight Director Farms Announce a Bumper Crop of New Flight Directors reads the headline of the latest edition of Starfleet Farming Today.  Yes, this summer's space camp growing season was busy, but the hard work of tilling the soil, planting the seeds, nurturing the growth, battling the weeds of nerves and time along with infestations of self doubt and shyness has yielded a fantastic crop of new, young, Flight Directors harvested to occupy the Control Rooms' First Chairs for years to come.  
     The Odyssey's Farm on Highway 40 just past the four way stop on your way north out of town (right around the corner form the old Magellan homestead) was showing off its new flight directors in their roadside produce stand.  I noticed the farmers from the Cassini, Magellan, Phoenix, Galileo, and Falcon farms stopping by to give them a look over on their way to work their fields on Saturday.  
     "They're looking pretty good," said Old Jon Parker of the Cassini place.  "Maybe a bit on the green, but ya can't leave them on the vine too long or they get darn right stringy." 
     Silver, from the Phoenix farm at the end of the dirt road past the Cassini place, was hesitant to offer a pat on the back to Mitch for a job well done upon first inspection of the new crop from his pick up window. "You know Mitch, we've talked about this over and over again, is it quality over quantity or quantity over quality. I'm thinkin you're not listenin to what I've been sayin."  
     Mitch, sure of his crop and his methods, was quick to respond. "Silver, I not sure it's one or the other like you seem to think.  Here on the Odyssey our soil is good enough to have both. Now you chew on that for minute or two and tell me why it can't be so."  Silver thought on that for a bit before accepting it with his usual grunt. Then with a wave, disappeared down the road leaving a billowing brown cloud of dirt road behind him. 
     Having nothing better to do on a Saturday morning, I drove out to see the crop myself.  

Recently Grown on the Odyssey Farm.

Aiden is the Newest Odyssey Flight Director, Having Earned
the Right to hold the FD Microphone on Saturday, August 19.
"He sprung up from the north field," said Farmer Foote, "right there by creek.  It took 10 months but we got him there."   

       Cecily became a new Odyssey Flight Director on July 22.  "This ain't my first rodeo," said Farmer Foot. "Cecily is living proof right here.  Quality AND Quantity can work together."

From the Porter's Falcon Homestead.  

     Rylan was on show roadside by Porter's Falcon Homestead.  He is a new Falcon Flight Director harvested last July 28. 
     "Not a blemish on this one," Farmer Porter said proudly as he stood next to Rylan near the farm's roadside fruit stand. He likes showing his new crop to anyone happening to be passing by on a hot August afternoon. "Look him over yerself.  A county fair blue ribbon for sure," he said proudly. 
     There was a pause in the conversation as J. Porter shifted his stance. He took a long gaze over his north field where Young Tyler was driving tractor on the old Magellan place. He scratched his chin and waved away a pesky fly before he spoke again. 
     "Mark my words, these other farmers round about will want this one but it ain't gonna happen.  Specially her down the way (referring to Miss Brylee, proprietor of the Galileo spread by Dawson's pond).  She's been eyeing my crop for the past year or two." He looked sternly to where her house was barely visible between two Cottonwoods. "Yep, she ain't gettin this one," he mumbled under his breath.     

Congratulations to the newest Flight Directors at the Christa McAuliffe Space Center.  They each have taken the Flight Director's Oath:

 "I pledge to honor the training and craftsmanship of the flight directors who trained me. I pledge to set an example of professionalism to my staff, volunteers, and crew. I promise to lead and guide my crews by adhering to the missions' goals and objectives. I promise to honor the pioneering spirit of the first ship Voyager by continuing to learn and improve upon my craft. These things I will do until I lay my microphone down."

After taking the oath, new Flight Directors are given membership in the Flight Director's Guild and the key to the Space Center's Executive Washroom.

The Flight Director Guild's Executive Washroom. Receiving a key is the Ultimate Goal of Every Space Center volunteer and staff (there is a reason many of you don't know about this. When you've earned it, it will be made known to you. And don't go bothering the flight directors about its location.  They'll only act stupid and say they there is no such place and they don't know what you're talking about). 

One Busy Saturday Morning

The Space Center was the place to be yesterday. The schedule was packed with missions, meetings, and classes.

Saturday's Voyager Club Meeting

8:00 A.M.  The Voyager Club's August Meeting.  

     We started with Bingo for prizes from 8:00 - 8:30 A.M.  At 8:30 Aiden and Mikey called the meeting to order.  New members were called to the front for introductions after which the astronomy lesson was taught by Jason Trump.  Jason gave a great lesson on Europa and the future Europa Clipper NASA mission set to launch in 2024.  At 9:20 A.M. Aiden and Mikey did a training on "Calling Shots in the Era of a Modern Starship Simulations".  The meeting adjourned at 10:00 A.M.  

9:30 A.M. - 11:00 A.M.

     The first Unity Class was taught in Central Elementary School's computer lab.  Unity is a 3D gaming engine used by video game manufacturers and others worldwide.  Dave Stevens and Elan Wilkinson were the instructors.  Dave works for Meta as a Unity developer (Oculus) and Elan works for McDonell Douglas as a software engineer.  New Space Center simulator controls are being developed in Unity.  Students in the Unity Class will be trained in the program and given the opportunity to participate in the creation of our new Unity Universe simulator controls and environment. 

The Unity Engine Class

Bracken Funk, Director of The Space Place at Renaissance Academy Found Unity Enjoyable but was tormented by the volunteer who sat beside him.

The Volunteer who sat beside him

Alex Debirk, Director of the American Heritage School Discovery Space Center attended the Unity Class Along with three members of his school's Voyager Club

The Unity Class received Thumbs Up from two Voyagers. Thomas (white shirt) is a member of the Farpoint Voyagers at The Space Place.  Henry (black shirt) is duel Voyager. He is a Farpoint and a Space Center Voyager Volunteer

11:00 A.M.  - 12:30 P.M. 

     The Engineering Department met in the school's computer class right after the Unity class was dismissed.  Jade was pleased with the turnout. Our Voyager Explorers and Volunteers are showing an interest in the department's mission at the Space Center.  

The Space Center's Engineering Department working on their design projects under the watchful eye of their teacher, Jade Hansen

     The Space Center's goal is to create meaningful educational experiences for our visitors, our volunteers, and our staff.  Watch for more learning opportunities to come.

Lissa Eager Hadfield Returns to the Space Center Thanks to the Reactivation Clause in her Departure Agreement. Darn that Fine Print


Lissa and Tyler quarrel over the Magellan's Flight Director Microphone. Will Lissa pry the Magellan's First Chair from Tyler or will He Prevail?  Scott Wiltbank is on hand to ensure the safety of the innocent volunteers' ears

     Surprise doesn't even come close to what I felt when I walked into the Magellan's Control Room on Saturday and saw Lissa wearing her Navy Blues sitting next to Tyler engaged in a tug of war over the Magellan's microphone.  Scott stood behind them reminding them to keep the language civil for the sake of the young and innocent volunteers. 

     Lissa retired as Magellan Set Director some time ago to start a family.  All was good until a few days ago when she received a registered letter from Mr. James Porter, Director of the Space Center. In the envelope was a copy of her departure contract. Highlighted in yellow was the microscopic paragraph called the "Reactivation Clause".  "Can they do this?" she asked Jacob, her husband and former Magellan Flight Director.  

     "Honey, they can and there is nothing we can do about it. They've got the District lawyers on their side," he replied.  "It's OK, we can make the best of it."

     "Well, if I'm going back, the Magellan will be mine again.......All Mine!" she said with a mischievous grin.  

     Speaking on behalf of everyone at the Space Center, we welcome Lissa back to the Magellan on a part time basis.  She spent Saturday watching Tyler fly.  It won't take her long to get her space legs back.  Soon she'll be flying the Magellan again. 

Imaginarium Theater

The Week's Best Videos From Around the World Edited for a Gentler Audience

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Welcome Baby Boston (the Newest Space Center Baby) to the Braydn and Jacquline Lystrup Family. The Long Lost Transporter Control Panel Found (and just in time too). Gov. General Jon Parker To Step Down as Cassini Set Director. A Call for News..

It is my honor and pleasure to introduce the Space EdVenturing community to the newest Space Center baby. His name is Boston. He is the son of Bradyn and Jacqueline Lystrup.
The title "Space Center Baby" is bestowed on those younglings born to parents who met and fell in love as Space Center volunteers or staff. Bradyn and Jacqueline met at the Christa McAuliffe Space Center where they both worked first as volunteers and then as staff. Braydn was a flight director and Jacqueline a supervisor.
Jacqueline works as an RN in the maternity ward at the American Fork Hospital. Bradyn is a teacher at Canyon Grove Academy in Pleasant Grove. As part of his teaching duties, Bradyn runs the school's Everest Starship simulator where he puts the school's students on InfiniD Learning's simulator modules.
Let's hope baby Boston grows up and continues his parent's legacy as a Space Center volunteer and member of staff. Who knows, we may have a Sparky Junior coming soon.
And for those who don't get the "Sparky" reference, Sparky is Bradyn's engineering character who has become a legend and favorite to so many young crews.

Starfleet Times Special Report: Governor General Jon Parker Retires from Command of the Starship Cassini

                                          Jon Parker and his Cassini Staff

In a momentous event that marks the end of an era, Governor General Jon Parker has officially announced his retirement from his position as the Set Director of the esteemed starship Cassini. The Cassini, a beacon of Starfleet's strength and dedication to freedom, has been at the forefront of defending democracy and safeguarding the Federation against those who seek its downfall.

Jon is demonstrating his teaching skills by advising and counseling the staff in detention for poor sportsmanship at a recent staff and volunteer party

Jon Parker's legacy is as vast as the galaxies he explored during his remarkable career. From the moment he took command of the Cassini as Set Director, he set a standard of excellence that propelled the starship into countless missions staffed by hundreds of visiting crews.

Under Jon Parker's leadership, the Cassini set the example of quality and professionalism to the Space Center's staff and volunteers. From the mysterious anomalies of the Beta Quadrant to the uncharted territories of the Delta Quadrant, Jon set the example to his staff on how to properly fly a starship simulator, how to maintain a simulator, how to improve and upgrade a simulator, and to never be satisfied with the status quo.

Jon Parker's retirement is marked with the utmost respect and admiration from his crew and colleagues. "Jon's commitment to the safety, well-being, and education of every member of his crews, staff, and volunteers has set an example all of us should follow," stated Space Center Director James Porter.

Jon sporting his new Starfleet credentials as a 4 Star Governor General and
Sector Commander

The Cassini wasn't Jon's first rodeo. In the past, Jon held many set directorships.

  • In 2013-2014 Jon was the Set Director of Discovery Space Center's Starship Challenger
  • In 2015-2016 Jon was the Magellan's Set Director
  • In 2017-2019 Jon was the Phoenix Set Director
  • And from 2019 - 2023 Jon was the Cassini's Set Director.

While Jon Parker takes his leave from active duty as the Cassini Set Director, he is not leaving the Space Center. He will continue as a Cassini flight director when time permits and continues his responsibilities as the Space Center's Assistant Director and Director of Simulations.

What prompted this change? Jon will start student teaching this semester. Jon realizes his new responsibilities as a student teacher will require his unwavering time and talents. His goal is to graduated this school year and secure a CTE teaching position in an Alpine District High School or Junior High.

The Space Center family joins in expressing its gratitude for Jon Parker's service as Set Director and wishes him well with his student teaching responsibilities. Jon will make an excellent high school teacher, there is no doubt about it and I should know. I've been in the business for 40+ years :)

The Long Lost Transporter Control Panel Found (and just in time too)

Starship Pegasus Transporter Controls Poster

     Most of you know that I ran the Starship Pegasus from 1983 to 1990 in my 6th-grade classroom at Central Elementary using poster controls.  That's how the Space Center got its start. Those original poster controls are framed and hang in the six simulator control rooms. What you didn't know is that one control panel has been missing for over ten years - the Transporter Control Panel. I found that panel last week. I was walking down the hallway at Renaissance Academy looking at the items teachers were sitting outside their rooms that they no longer wanted. Any items not adopted by another teacher is given to the custodian to take to the dump.  I usually find curriculum or furniture or files etc. that I can use in my room.  

     Something caught my eye as I walked past one of the 5th grade classrooms.  I stopped, looked, and stared in disbelief. Sitting on a table of things about to disappear into the dumpster was the 33-year-old Transporter Control Poster. It was fate or perhaps Fortuna decided to show a morsel of mercy instead of mischief.  Regardless, what was lost was found.  

     Let me introduce you to the Transporter Control Panel hundreds of sixth graders used in our Starship Pegasus simulations ran in my classroom from 1983 - 1990 (the picture is attached). The poster has been properly framed and will be hung in the Starship Voyager's Control Room at The Space Place at Renaissance Academy. 

A Call for News

I know I'm missing many things I'd like to announce in The Troubadour because I can't be at every space center all the time. Remember we have 14 simulators in Utah Valley, each has a staff and volunteers who should be recognized for accomplishments. This is a call to all Center Directors, Set Directors, Flight Directors, Supervisors, and Volunteers to send me news of what's happening at your space center.  Photos are fantastic.  Contact me at

Thank you,

Mr. Williamson 

Imaginarium Theater

This Week's Best Videos From Around the World Edited for a Gentler Audience

Sunday, August 6, 2023

Saint Sheila Powell. My Hero. Today, a Tribute to Shiela Powell, a Space Center Educator Who Passed Away July 29th. Videos Celebrating the End of the Summer Camp Season. This Week's Imaginarium Theater


Saint Sheila Powell escorting a group of field trip students to the simulators from their restroom break.  Sheila and Lorraine Houston were the dream team of Space Center field trip instructors back in the day.  Sheila had recently retired as a sixth-grade teacher from the Jordan School District when I convinced her to come join our staff as a field trip teacher. Those years rest nicely on my memory. 

Hello Space Center Family,
Our dear, gifted, and beautiful friend and former Space Center educator Sheila Powell passed away on July 29th. Her many contributions as a teacher in Jordan District, the Utah Geography Alliance, and the Christa McAuliffe Space Center made a difference for good in the lives of thousands of children and her coworkers. She retired from the Space Center in 2011 to fight her final great battle against Parkinson's disease. Only something like that could force her to leave the Center. It was her home away from home. It gave her a chance to combine her love of teaching and space to excite our field trip students to look up and imagine what lies out there in the vastness of the cosmos. She truly exemplified the mission of the Space Center, to create a space faring civilization.

My nickname for Sheila was "Saint Sheila of Lehi" because she was just that to all of us, a Saint.

The people I proclaim ‘Saints‘ encapsulate my vision of heroism. They are selfless with their fellow man. They are kind to a fault. They bear their burdens with a strength that inspires. All this, and much more, defined our Saint Sheila.

Sheila’s rise to sainthood was the result of several factors. Sheila was a sixth grade teacher in the Jordan School District. That fact alone drew Vatican attention. Sheila was a cancer survivor. Cancer survivors no longer exist in the same world as you and I. They experience life differently, knowing how fragile it is and how quickly it can end. They have the power to stop time and enjoy life’s special moments. You see them sometimes, standing alone, looking at something so innocent to us that it would hardly cause a moment’s thought, yet they sit memorized - lost in the fraction of a pleasant second.

Saint Sheila, Always Willing to Try Something new

A few weeks before Sheila’s Parkinson's Disease diagnosis in 2011, her father passed away. It was yet another burden for her to carry, being the eldest and responsible for her surviving mother.  And then came the news.....

“I’ve got Parkinson’s Disease,” she told us one day in March of that year. It was said much like you would say you were coming down with a cold. The calmness of the statement was followed by the brightening of her halo. Such a statement can leave the listener uncertain of how to respond. For a moment you visualize the meaning, then realize the uncertain road ahead. The “I’m so sorry,” that inevitably follows are the only words that manage to surface.

And so, our Saint Sheila embarked on another journey of faith, and we stood amazed and her spirit and determination to make the best of the hand fate had dealt. 

I wrote the following in the Blog the week we learned of her diagnosis in March 2011
Recently I overhead several of the staff discuss a member of BYU’s basketball team. I believe his name was Jimmer. The word ‘hero‘ was used to describe their perceptions of his character and abilities. I thought for a moment of how life changes you as you age. When you’re young you admire people that excel in doing things you dream of doing yourself. You make them your heroes. You put their posters on your walls. You dress like them, talk like them, and eat the cereals endorsed by them
Now that I've reached the Autumn of my life, I choose my heroes differently. My heroes are the men, women and children who carry the burden of misfortune and illness with a faith that inspires me to be a better person. I see them playing a hand none of us would want, and yet manage to do it in such a way that we are all the better for it.

Saint Sheila is my hero. Thank you Saint Sheila.

Saint Sheila and Husband Lee 

Our thoughts are with Shiela's husband Lee and her family at this time. I want them to know how special Sheila was to all of us who knew and worked with her. She was a brilliant teacher, a devoted and loving friend, and an example to all on never quitting no matter what the foe - be it a Utah blizzard, an difficult student, or a devastating disease.

Saint Sheila on her dependable tractor Hercules

God Bless You Saint Sheila. Your work here is finished. Now you are free to explore the vastness of space and experience those wondrous things you taught about. And in your journeys, find that incredible something just waiting to be discovered; and when you do, think of us. 

The Troubadour Blog's Salutes to Saint Shiela's Work 

Friends, Shiela was featured in several Troubadour blog posts during her time at the Space Center.  Each post is a testament to the contributions she made to our mission and purpose.  Please take a minute to revisit these stories as we celebrate the magical and mythical Saint Shiela of Lehi!  

     •. Saint Sheila and the Storm of the Century

        Saint Sheila and the Standing Ovation

       Saint Sheila Writes About a Funny Classroom Experience 

     • Saint Sheila Wrote about Space Center Field Trips.  Redcoats to the Rescue!  

And Finally, This Story about Saint Sheila on BYU Television

Yes, our very own Saint Sheila of Lehi appeared on BYU television last week. They ran a piece on the Space Center as part of their nightly news. The reporter spent nearly an hour at the Center. Most of the time was with Aleta Clegg. A few minutes of the reporter’s time was with Sheila. Well, what did the reported choose to do? She decided to use the Saint Sheila footage and nothing from Aleta.

Aleta admitted defeat the following day. Up until then Aleta privately doubted the sainthood of Shiela. She ignored the growing evidence claiming it was all random occurrences brought on by statistical chance. Not any more. Aleta is now suggesting we have an official portrait painted of Sheila to hang in the Discovery Room. Small prints of the portrait could be sold in the Center’s Gift Shop along with candles. Surely a portrait of Saint Sheila with a candle or two on any home’s mantle would bring blessings.

Aleta, we welcome you to the growing congregation of Sheila admirers. She is one great gal.
And yes, you may keep all the proceeds from the sale of the pictures and candles. That will be your blessing.

Well, have a great week everyone. Thanks for reading, and to our staff and volunteers -thank you for your dedication. We wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for the fantastic people that work here. I’m am your greatest fan.


Celebrate the End of the 2023 Summer Space Camp Season in Video and Picture

Imaginarim Theater
The Week's Best Videos from Around the World Edited for a Gentler Audience