Contact Victor Williamson with your questions about simulator based experiential education programs for your school.

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Blast Off into a World of Learning: The 2023-2024 Young Astronauts Club Takes Flight at Renaissance Academy's The Space Place. I Find Irrefutable Evidence of a UFO Base In Utah County. Imaginarium Theater


The 2023-2024 3rd Grade Tuesday Lion's Squadron after their First Mission on the Starship Voyager. Staff Members of The Space Place Staff Serve as the Captain's for 3rd Grade Missions.

The Space Place at Renaissance Academy is thrilled to announce the opening of its 2023-2024 Young Astronauts and Voyager Clubs. Designed to ignite the curiosity and passion for space exploration among students in grades 3 to 5 for the Young Astronauts and grades 6-9 for the Voyagers, these clubs offer immersive educational adventures through the cosmos from humble Lehi, Utah.

A Stellar Experience

The Young Astronauts Club is not just any after-school activity; it's a ticket to the universe. Renaissance Academy students have the opportunity to embark on monthly adventures that are out of this world. With each meeting, participants can expect a blend of education and fun that will inspire its members to look up and wonder about the mysteries of space.

Monthly Meetings: A Glimpse into the Universe

At the heart of the Young Astronauts Club are its monthly meetings. Each gathering offers a captivating blend of activities that cater to young, aspiring space explorers. Here's what our members can expect this year.

  1. Team Building Adventures: The meetings kick off with team-building activities, fostering a sense of camaraderie and collaboration among club members. Astronauts know that teamwork is essential when exploring the unknown.

  2. Cosmology and Astronomy Lessons: Learning about the cosmos and the mysteries of the universe is at the core of the club's mission. Students will dive into lessons on cosmology and astronomy.

  3. The History of Space Flight: History comes to life as young astronauts delve into the thrilling stories of past space missions and the pioneers who dared to reach for the stars.

  4. Starship Simulator: The Starship Voyager: The grand finale of each meeting is an adventure aboard the school's very own starship simulator, the Starship Voyager. Here, students embark on imaginary flights deep into the galaxy, navigating challenges that teach problem-solving, communication, and teamwork skills. It's a hands-on experience that brings the magic of space exploration to life.

Why Join the Young Astronauts Club?

  1. Inspiration for the Future: The Young Astronauts Club nurtures a passion for space and science, encouraging students to dream big and consider careers in STEM fields.

  2. Education Disguised as Fun: Learning about the cosmos has never been more exciting. Through engaging activities and simulations, students learn while having fun

  3. Teamwork and Problem Solving: Space exploration demands collaboration and quick thinking. The club equips students with vital life skills in a fun and immersive way.

  4. Imagination Takes Flight: The Starship Voyager simulator lets young astronauts embark on thrilling adventures that fire up their imaginations and transport them to distant corners of the galaxy.

How to Join

For parents and guardians looking to enroll their budding space enthusiasts in the Young Astronauts Club, registration details can be found on The Space Place at Renaissance Academy's website. Don't miss the chance to set your child on a trajectory towards a lifelong love of space and science.

The 2023-2024 Young Astronauts Club promises to be an astronomical adventure like no other. With monthly meetings filled with excitement, education, and inspiration, students from Renaissance Academy are in for an unforgettable journey through the cosmos. So, get ready to blast off into a world of learning at The Space Place!

Mr. Williamson Finds a Secret Alien Extraterrestrial UFO Base in Utah County.

Startling Evidence of the Existence of Intelligent Alien Life on Earth. Who Knew They Also Love a Good Steak Dinner

No one on this planet has better proof of the existence of UFOs and their purpose for visiting the Earth than your very own Mr. Williamson. I capture the best, clearest, most accurate photo of a UFO last Thursday while waiting for my car to be serviced. There, parked on a nearby building, was a small silvery space craft with just the top of a balding alien head protruding up into the dome. It had just captured a cow from a nearby farm and had landed for some unknown reason, possibly to acquire a good sauce to go with the steaks they were sure to be enjoying later that evening.

Behind the saucer was the word "Help" hastily scrawled on the side of the building. Was this innocent looking building a secret UFO alien base. Were human captives being held inside? Were they being experimented on? Perhaps the aliens were force feeding them hamburgers to see just how much a human stomach can hold?

My first reaction was to run, but using all my mental and emotional strength, I held my ground and watched. I listed the pros and cons of a direct attack. The biggest con was an appropriate weapon capable of neutralizing an alien. The nearest weapons capable of such a feat were safely locked away in the Costume Closet of The Christa McAuliffe Space Center. So after completing my lists of pros and con I realized that I was a natural pure blooded coward, so I chose to sit this mini-invasion out and hide behind the shop to document the event with my iphone.

Where did this encounter of the 4th kind take place? I won't say due to the fact that by doing so could put you, this blog's fair readers, in danger. However, if you should find the location on your own without any clue from me, let me know.

Mr. Williamson

Imaginarium Theater.

The Best Videos From Around the World Edited for a Gentler Audience

Sunday, September 3, 2023

The Christa McAuliffe Space Center's 2023-2024 Field Trip Season is Off and Running! Ways Our Space EdVenture Centers are Better Than Disneyland. The Imaginarium Theater

                          The Magellan on Opening Day. August 31, 2023

The Christa McAuliffe Space Center opened for the 2023-2024 field trip season on August 31.  All six simulators flew. Field trips are the life blood of the Space Center. They always have been.  Field trips introduce students to the Space Center.  That introduction paves the way for birthday party missions and summer space camps.  

The Cassini on Opening Day. August 31, 2023

The Galileo and Falcon on Opening Day. August 31, 2023

To the Space Center's staff and volunteers.  Your work this school year will brighten hundreds of days for thousands of students. You will energize thousands of imaginations with thoughts of what could be. You will motive many to work harder in school. You will encourage others to rush home to their computers and begin writing stories of people accomplishing the impossible in the vastness of space. Because of you, some students will look up to the stars and dream of wonders that await discovery. You will make a difference.

                  The Odyssey and Phoenix on Opening Day. August 31, 2023

All of this will happen because you are here. Be proud to work and volunteer at one of Earth's happiest places. 

From the Archives.  The First Blog Post Regarding the Opening for Field Trips.  
The first essay I wrote on the start of a field trip season was on Wednesday, September 24, 2008.  I'm mad at myself for losing the records from the old YahooGroup which contained our records from 2000 - 2008 and even madder at myself for not keeping records from 1990-1999.  You learn the importance of records as you get older. 

Let's step into the WayBack Machine and go back 15 years to the start of the 2008-2009 Field Trip Season...

Wednesday, Sept. 24, 2008
Hello Troops,
This is the eve of the Space Center's Official Opening for the 2008-2009 School Year. For the last couple days we've hosted our own school for the full four hour field trip. Central students are beneficial at helping us work the bugs out of our programs. They are the victims in our dress rehearsals and, in return for their patience, they don't pay. Well, all that ended this afternoon. Central is finished and tomorrow at 9:30 A.M. we open with our first school of the season - Westvale Elementary School.

The Phoenix

It is funny to be able to point to an exact date and time when your life disappears. You see, since July 31st I've either been on vacation or here, working on the new Children of Perikoi mission, scheduling classes and field trips, designing a web site, working on simulator repairs, spending too much money on everything from programming books to new simulators, etc. etc. etc.  This is the time of year when I can arrive at the Space Center at 8:00 A.M. and go home between 6:00 - 7:00 P.M. because private missions are the only programs we offer this time of year. All of that will change tomorrow. 

 The Classroom Lesson

At 9:30 A.M. tomorrow, September 25, we are open nearly every school day running one or two field trip sessions per day (missions, classes, and Starlab Planetarium shows).  School Field Trip 1 starts at 9:30 A.M. and ends at 1:35 P.M.  School Field Trip 2 starts at 2:00 P.M. and ends at 6:00 P.M.  Things are hopping around here with little down time.  I'm thankful for a supportive staff and fantastic volunteers who make it all run like clockwork.

The Voyager

Don't misunderstand me, I love my job and wouldn't have it any other way but I still find it interested that everything will change at an exact point in time and stay that way until another exact point in time at the end of May.

The Odyssey

We tired something new today on the Voyager school mission. For the first time in years and years we had a doctor on the bridger in addition to the staff. One of our staff set up a sick bay in the Captain's Quarters right off the bridge. During the mission, Lorraine sent "injured" crew into the sickbay for a quick scan and a tasty M and M. It worked well and gave crew members a welcome stand up and stretch during the mission. She looked for those a bit bored and sent them in for a dose of attention. It also worked well for attack scenes. Now we can thin down the number of students at the working stations thus increasing the stress level for those that remain. We will try to implement the Field Trip Doctor whenever staffing will allow.

Well, It is time to go home and enjoy the rest of Worker's Eve Day. I'll see many of you here in the trenches tomorrow. Sleep well and dream of the campaigns to come.

Mr. Williamson

A Few Ways Utah Valley's Space EdVenture Centers are Better than Disneyland

Hello Troops,
Take a minute and let me share a few thoughts I've had on ways our Space EdVenture Centers are better than Disneyland.

Many times throughout the years we've all heard Space Center visitors say,"This is better than Disneyland!". Each time I hear that I wonder how that can possibly be! Disneyland has everything from expensive, imaginative rides to restaurants and shopping. The parks are squeaky clean. The sets effectively transport you from the daily grind to the world of imagination. I'm an admirer of everything Disney. So...... being a fan (I don't own a pair of Mickey ears so I don't consider myself a FANatic) I'm honored to hear such things but really couldn't, until now, accept the statements as truth.

Today I'm going to compare and contrast the best theme park in the world to our humble log cabin approach here in Utah County. I could write a small book on the subject but today I'll share my greatest realization.

I noticed that when people get off a Disney ride they speak briefly about the experience. You hear things like: "That was awesome," to "I think I'm sick," to "That wasn't what I expected," to "That drop almost gave me a heart attack!". You also hear them talk about others in their group:
"Did you see mom's face?" and "I thought Dad was going to throw up!"

The ride discussion quickly ends and the family starts talking about the next meal or hurting feet or exclamations to hurry to get the next ride. The ride discussion ends quickly because every participant had THE EXACT SAME EXPERIENCE! They were side by side. They all saw the same thing, heard the same sounds, smelled the same smells, and jumped at the same time.  You've been there so you know what I'm talking about.

Now compare that to a group leaving one of our simulators after a fun 2.5 or 5 hour mission. Read the points I make below and see if I'm spot on with this observation:

  • We hear from moms that their children talk about their missions all the way home and then for days afterword - Why?
  • Each person on a Space Center mission gets a different ride! Think about it. You have the captain who experiences a somewhat different mission than a security officer. Each person picks up certain story points that others don't because everyone does a different job.
  • Only by sharing your mission experience with the team does a team begin to understand the entire mission. A mission is like a jigsaw puzzle. Only by putting the pieces together do you get to see the picture.
  • Humans are story tellers. That is what we like to do when we get together. Think about your family gatherings. The adults set around and tell stories to each other. Think about the time you spend with your friends. Don't you tell each other stories? That's right, you're sharing your daily experiences and insights. If we don't have stories to tell, the conversation turns silent and we move on to another group where stories are still being shared.

We have these stories because we all experience a different aspect to life. Are you getting my point? We are one up on Disney in one very important aspect - our 'rides' give everyone something different. In addition to that - our rides continue well beyond the time spent in the ships. The mission residue continues for years to come as stories pass from person to person on the semi-shared experience.

This is the magic of the Space Center!  What are your thoughts? Share them if you would using the 'comment' feature of the Google Classroom.

Ad Astra!
Mr. Williamson

Imaginarium Theater
The Week's Best Videos From Around the World Edited for a Gentler Audience

Sunday, August 27, 2023

Just Between Us, This Recent Addition to the Space Center May Be Its Best! Registration for the Young Astronauts and Voyager Club has Started. This Week's Imaginarium Theater.

Did that headline capture your attention?  Are you curious what is this addition to the Space Center?  Let me say that it isn't a new simulator........ sorry to dash your hopes.  So if it isn't a new simulator, and according to the headline it may be the best addition to the Space Center yet, What Could It Be?  I'll answer with this photo 

You're thinking the new addition are these great looking young people sitting in the planetarium's lobby.  Of course they are awesome and according to you, good looking; but they are NOT the greatest addition to the Space Center yet.  

The clue is the phrase "sitting in the lobby" I wrote in the paragraph above.  I'll write that once more - "sitting in the lobby".  Do you get it now?  

THE GREATEST ADDITION TO THE SPACE CENTER YET ARE THE NEW LOBBY SEATS!  And anyone who has had to wait in the lobby for an extended period of time for a ride, or a show to end, or waiting for a crew to finish a mission, will understand the importance of comfortable cushioned chairs to relax upon; and believe me, these seats are comfortable - almost worthy of a special visit to the Space Center just to sit on them and luxuriate.   Best of all, sitting in the new lobby chairs is FREE compliments of the Space Center and the Alpine School District.  And while you may be tempted to bring a sleeping bag and camp for the night, overnight camping is strictly prohibited.  

Now a special message to the Space Center's staff and volunteers regarding congregating in the lobby and hogging all the chairs.  While the lobby now is comfy, cool, and spacious, spreading out over the seating area while visitors are forced to stand is forbidden.  Visitors, if you come to the Space Center and find yourself waiting AND all the lobby seats are taken by staff (blue shirts) and volunteers (black shirts) just walk over to one of them, stand uncomfortably close and stare into their eyes.  A bit of grunting may be in order but after a minute or two they will retreat the seat to you and sulk away mumbling all the while.  That's OK. They're mostly young and haven't lived long enough to earn the right to a seat in the lobby when patrons are standing.  

Please do me a favor. If you find me in the corner seat leaning against the wall snoring, please find the "Do Not Disturb" sign by the lobby desk computer and gently hang it around my neck.  Your kindness will be appreciated.  

Mr. Williamson 

Registration for the Young Astronauts and Voyager Club is Underway at the Space Place at Renaissance Academy

With the start of the new school year comes registrations for the Space Place's two youth clubs for students at Renaissance Academy (a public charter school in Lehi Utah).  The Young Astronauts Club is for students in grades 3 - 5.  The Voyager Club is for students in grades 6 - 9.  Currently there are nearly 180 cadets enrolled with registrations winding down to a cut off date at the end of August.  

The cadets meet once per month during the school year.  Each meeting includes lessons on space science and astronomy, team building experiences, and space missions in the Starship Voyager simulator.  To register go the  

The Imaginarium Theater
The Week's Best Videos From Around the World Edited for a Gentler Audience