Contact Victor Williamson with your questions about simulator based experiential education programs for your school.

Sunday, April 9, 2023

The First Laser Shows at the Christa McAuliffe Space Center A Success. Everyone Exits with Better Eyesight :) Welcome New Staff to the Space Centers. American Heritage Discovery Space Center Getting Better All the Time. Imaginariumn Theater

The word on the street is that the Space Center's new laser shows are a big hit. The first public show was held on Friday night with another on Saturday.  I spoke with Mr. Porter yesterday as he worked on a few bugs in the planetarium's crows nest.  He described a nearly sold out crowd who took a song or two to loosen up before letting their hair down to groove and jive with the music and lights.  Sure there were a few hiccups, but only things Mr. Porter would have recognized.  

One thing we can do is spread the word about the laser shows AND consider volunteering to help with the shows.  Brylee is the planetarium's set director. She is looking for volunteers (docents) to help with the evening shows.  You need to be at least 15 years old and must be able to see in the dark (kidding).  You'd be asked to put in a two hour shift on a Friday and / or Saturday night.  You'd be asked to come to docent training with Brylee first before volunteering.  Please contact me if you're interested. 

Welcome New Staff Members.  Christa McAuliffe Space Center and The Space Place at Renaissance Academy

Lily, A New Magellan Supervisor

Another amazingly talented volunteer has worked her way through the ranks to be hired as our newest Magellan supervisor. Join us as we congratulate Lily on her accomplishment. Lily is laser focused on creating an immersive universe full of diverse characters behind the scenes. Well done Lily. 

Sam, sitting in the Voyager's II FX (2nd Chair) Position, with the
Voyager's Bracken Funk and Megan Warner and volunteers.
Yes, its an old photo but the only one I had available

The Space Place at Renaissance Academy welcomes Sam Golding back to its ranks as a Supervisor and Flight Director Trainee. Sam returned to The Space Place after serving an LDS mission.  He works most afternoons helping Mr. Funk and myself with the school's Voyager and Young Astronaut's Club. 


The Starship Discovery at the American Heritage School's Discovery Space Center is Getting Better and Better

The Math Behind the Sensors System

I stopped by the American Heritage School's Discovery Space Center over Spring Break to consult with Alex DeBirk on a new set of ship controls he's working on with the good folks at Starship Horizon.  Alex has a degree in engineering and is a physics and math wiz.  You should of heard all the real math and science he was throwing around when we talked about the ship's sensors systems. 

While I was there Alex showed me a few things he and his team are working on: 

The new dilithium crystal storage chamber, all 3D printed and wired for lights and sound. 

The new Starship Discovery Engineering Platform using the old Starship Voyager's Engineering station ladder

The Starship Discovery Engineering desk to go above the ladder. This is the old Starship Voyager's Engineering desk rescued from the demolition of the Voyager.

The old Galileo control room metal partitions have been put up to hide the control room from the Galileo simulator. 

Alex showing me the new additions to the control room. 

Imaginarium Theater
The Best Videos From Around the World Edited for a Gentler Audience

Monday, April 3, 2023

The Space Places Voyagers and Young Astronauts at Renaissance Academy Prepare for the InfiniD Challenge. They Say, "Bring it On!" Also Jon Parker, the Purple Shadow, A Wanted Man. And This Week's Imaginarium Theater

      Spring Break started with another snowstorm.  "When will it end?" I shouted from my porch into the white void this morning after realizing another shoveling was needed.  Saying that I'm at my wit's end is an understatement, and I'm someone who was raised in the Dakotas where we wear blizzards as casual dress.   

     It's all quiet on the western front regarding news from the space centers so I don't have much to post except to say that our good friends at InfiniD are getting ready to host this year's InfiniD Challenge.  All schools in the InfiniD network can participate.  A special mission is in development (I recorded my computer parts for Austin last Friday) and pleased that my voice was in good form.  In a few weeks time the mission will be released. Classrooms will have one try to fly the mission with the goal of accumulating as many points as possible.  Points are earned by answering questions correctly, time needed to finish the mission, the health of the starship and crew, etc.  The winning team is given bragging rights and a pizza party.  I'm hoping one of my Young Astronauts and / or Voyager teams will succeed.  I'm putting them through their paces this month by having all 22 squadrons do an InfiniD mission as part of their monthly club meeting.   


The Young Astronaut 5th Grade Tiger Squadron doing an InfiniD mission

    Our motto will be "To InfiniD and Beyond!" in our hopes of becoming victorious in our quest; however I must be optimistically cautious.  Last week one of my middle school squadrons tried a kindergarten mission just for laughs to eat up 15 minutes before a class change. The mission was to free a cute fishy from tangled seaweed. They took forth place overall in the scoring.  The score was brushed off with a laugh and a good deal of finger pointing at that one of their own who caused the penalty due to a texting distraction.  

Jon Parker Prepares for the Summer Camp Season

The Purple Shadow, the most recent photo taken just before he escaped from the correctional center on the Salt Flats of Rurapentae 

The Space Center's Director of Simulations is preparing for the summer camp season by recording videos segments for the Cassini's new mission schedule to launch sometime soon (soon should be regarded as a wish more than a fact).  

Jon Parker is the Center's man of many faces; someone who is always ready to transform into any space hero or villain with a moment's notice and a briefly stated objective. Jon enjoy's the challenge and takes, with pride, the poetic license to do what he will with the character. While I don't remember who he is in the official summer mission, my imagination tells me a different story of the person in the photo I took on Saturday.


Name: Purple Shadow


  • Height: 5'8"
  • Weight: Fluctuates
  • Race: Humanoid
  • Skin Color: Pale
  • Eye Color: Depends upon the disguise.
  • Hair Color: Dark
  • Distinctive Feature: Always wears a purple tunic, never takes it off except for his yearly bath in the Raven's Waters of Whisky Willows.


  • Dilithium theft
  • Smuggling of Romulan ale to religiously dry colonies
  • Fraud and embezzlement
  • Swindling and theft
  • Confidence scams
  • Grand larceny

Last Known Location: Unknown

Reward: The United Federation of Planets is offering a bounty of 10,000,000 credits to anyone who brings the Purple Shadow back in person or 5000 credits to anyone in possession of his purple tunic and able to give information as to his whereabouts.

If you have any information about Purple Shadow's whereabouts, please contact your local law enforcement agency or the Federation Bureau of Investigation immediately. Do not attempt to apprehend him on your own as he is known to use his charm to disarm the weak minded into releasing him with their banking information and credit cards.

Imaginarium Theater

The Best Videos From Around the World Edited for a Gentler Audience

Sunday, March 26, 2023

Two Magellan "Has Beens" Reunite at the Home for Retired Space Center Staff and Make Plans for a Daring Escape. The Space Center's Newest Blue Shirt Mentor. Plus, Enjoy This Week's Imaginarium Theater

                   Conner and Metta at their recent meeting up in North Carolina

It was a dreary long afternoon at the Home for Retired Space Center Officers, and Conner was feeling particularly grumpy and bored. He pondered the possibility of filling an hour or two by playing the old Wurlitzer organ in the dining room as the residents gathered for the afternoon bingo. They loved to hear him play the old Space Center mission music remembered so fondly from their days in Starfleet. But after a moment's thought he waved the idea away like an annoying fly buzzing around his head. He could only stomach so much of The Last of the Mohicans and Crimson Tide. No, his decision was final, he'd spend the afternoon staring out of his window, watching the raindrops slide down the glass. That's when he heard a knock at his door.

Conner enjoying a microphone sandwich in the Magellan's Control Room

"Who could that be?" he grumbled to himself as he made his way to the door. He opened it to find a familiar face: Metta, his old shipmate from the Starship Magellan from those good old days.

"Conner! It's been ages!" Metta exclaimed, throwing her arms around him.

Metta Helping with Breakfast on a 3 day summer camp

Conner was taken aback. It had been years since he had seen Metta, and he wasn't sure how to feel about her sudden appearance.

"Metta, what are you doing here?" he asked, trying to mask his surprise.

"I live here now," she replied, gesturing around the room. "I did my best to avoid coming here but having retired a few months ago from civilian life, I discovered that this was the only place I could afford on my Space Center pension. I had no idea you were here too!"

Metta at home in her favorite simulator, the Magellan

Conner sighed. "Yeah, well, I've been here for a while now. It's not exactly glamorous, but it's better than living on the streets, I suppose. I do OK. I have my pension and I play the organ for the local Catholic parish on Sundays and the occasional Lutheran church for funerals. It gives me enough to afford this room and two meals a day."

Metta nodded sympathetically. "I hear you, Conner. It's tough being a retired space center staff these days. The glory days are long gone."

They sat down at Conner's small kitchen table and caught up on old times. They reminisced about their adventures on the Magellan, the strange alien worlds they had visited, and the hair-raising situations they had found themselves in.

But as they talked, Conner couldn't help but feel a sense of bitterness creeping over him. He had always dreamed of retiring to a life of luxury, but instead, here he was, living in a cramped room with no prospects for the future and nothing but memories to keep him company.

Conner with admirers, staff, and volunteers

Metta must have sensed his melancholy mood because she suddenly clapped her hands together and exclaimed, "You know what we need, Conner? A good old-fashioned adventure!"

Conner looked at her skeptically. "An adventure? Metta, we're retired. We're not exactly spry anymore."

Metta waved a dismissive hand. "Nonsense, Conner! We may be old, but we've still got plenty of life left in us. Besides, what else have we got to do? Sit around and watch the rain?"

Conner couldn't argue with her logic. He had always been a bit of a thrill-seeker, even in his old age. The idea of going on one last adventure with his old friend was tempting.

"Alright, Metta," he said, grinning. "You've convinced me. But where do we start?"

Metta leaned forward conspiratorially. "I've heard rumors of a hidden planet on the edge of the galaxy. They say it's full of treasure and adventure, just waiting to be discovered."

Conner raised an eyebrow. "And how exactly are we supposed to get there?"

Metta stood up and put her hands on her hips. "Easy, Conner. We'll just steal a spaceship. The Space Center has six of them. And if we can't steal one of those - there is always the Voyager at Renaissance.

Conner shook his head in disbelief. "Metta, you're crazy. We're retired officers, remember? We can't just go around stealing spaceships."

Metta winked at him. "Who said anything about getting caught?"

And with that, the two old has-beens set off on one last adventure, determined to prove that they still had what it took to be space heroes. Whether they succeeded or not, one thing was for sure: they were going to have a lot of fun trying.


Conner will be returning to Utah to attend graduate school at BYU.  

Michael W. Presented the Royal Blues as a New Christa McAuliffe Space Center Mentor

     In a prestigious ceremony held at the Christa McAuliffe Space Center, Fleet Admiral James Porter awarded Michael Wiltbank with the Royal Blues for his exceptional contributions to the ongoing mission of the Space Center. With the Royal Blues come an appointment as a Space Center Mentor where he will guide new starfleet cadets as they embark on their training aboard the starships Cassini, Magellan, Odyssey, Phoenix, Galileo, and Falcon.
     Wiltbank, a veteran of many missions, some of which are classified, has been recognized for his exemplary service and dedication to his field. As a mentor, he will lead by example and inspire new cadets to become officers of distinction. His responsibilities include answering their questions and providing guidance to help them achieve their fullest potential.
     There are rumors among Starfleet's top brass that Wiltbank is positioned to continue his training and may soon be admitted into Command School. From there, he may one day have a ship of his own. Wiltbank's appointment as a mentor is a testament to his expertise and experience in the field of space exploration.
     The Royal Blues is a prestigious honor awarded to those who have made significant contributions to the Space Center and its missions. Wiltbank's recognition as a new mentor at the Christa McAuliffe Space Center is well-deserved, and we congratulate him on this achievement. We have no doubt that he will excel in his new role and continue to make valuable contributions to the advancement of space exploration and the molding of new officers, staff, and volunteers.

Imaginarium Theater

The Best Videos From Around the World Edited for a Gentler Audience