Contact Victor Williamson with your questions about simulator based experiential education programs for your school.

Sunday, June 4, 2023

Maintenance and Test Mission Week Complete. The 2023 Summer Space Center Camps Begin. Farpoint Voyagers and Young Astronauts Finish the Year. Imaginarium Theater

The Voyager's Test Mission Crew.  The crew consisted of 2 Farpoint Voyagers, 4 CMSC Voyagers and 2 Voyager Explorers

The space centers reserve the first week of June as maintenance and test mission week.  Several maintenance projects build up over the school year, and with all the school flights and field trips, it is too difficult to fix them unless the project is serious. 

Last week The Christa McAuliffe Space Center had projects under repair and improvement in all six simulators.  The Space Place at Renaissance Academy did the same with its Starship Voyager.  The Voyager had lights replaced and a new mammoth subwoofer installed.  Other hallway ceiling speakers were replaced as well.  

In addition to the maintenance projects, several of the simulators ran test missions of their new summer camp stories last week.  Test missions can be told anytime, but with everyone's tight work and school schedules, the first week of June has been, and continues to be, the best time to run them.  Yesterday the Voyager flew two 5 hour test missions; one for the junior camp and one for the senior camp.  

Bracken Funk and Megan Warner manned the Voyager's Control Room accompanied by five of The Space Place's Voyager Club Volunteers.  

Four members of the Voyager test mission crew were Voyager Volunteers from the Christa McAuliffe Space Center.  One of my goals is to bring our Voyager Club members together from time to time to get to know each other and experience all the starship simulators in Utah County. We are at our best when we support and learn from each other.   

Aiden, (standing) a CMSC Voyager, was the captain.  Wyatt, (seated) a Farpoint Voyager, was the first officer. Both are Alpine District High School Students

The Voyager's camera feeds into the Control Room

Mikey W. and Kate F are both CMSC Voyagers. 
They manned the Operations Station

Of course there were bumps in the test mission road - which is why we run them.  The Voyager test crew gave Bracken excellent feedback on the mission. That feedback will be used to make modifications in the story and how it is run to ensure the campers will have the best experience possible. 


Ellie and her Outstanding Cassini Staff running a test mission 
of Artemis, a new Cassini 5 Hour Mission

I spent several hours at the Space Center last week working on my own to do list but took a break or two to pop in on a few of the test missions.  I found Ellie (above) running a test mission of the Cassini's new 5 hour mission Artemis.  The Cassini is blessed with a well trained and talented staff - something you'd expect with Jon Parker as your Set Director.  They reported success with their test missions. 

The Cassini is bringing back an old fan favorite "Event Horizon" from the original Starship Voyager's library as a 10 hour Officer's Camp story.  The Magellan is telling yet another old Voyager story "The Grand PooPah".  It is nice to see my old missions from the first Voyager still being told and loved. 


The Cassini's Hyrum sitting at Ellie Feet taking copious
notes on the Artemis mission. 
The Farpoint Voyagers and Young Astronauts Finish the School Year with Great InfiniD Scores.  

A few members of the 6th Grade Tiger Squadron celebrated taking 3rd place on
their InfinD Mission.  3rd Place out of 200 classrooms nationwide 
is something to celebrate.  

The Farpoint Voyager and Young Astronaut Clubs at Renaissance Academy's The Space Place were so large this school year that we ran out of school days to complete their 8 meeting / mission cycles. We had to finished them last week after the year ended.  Fourteen squadrons filled our schedules on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.  Each squadron did an InfiniD mission in my classroom and finished their Long Duration Mission (LDM) in the Voyager.  Their LDM's started in October.    

The 3rd Grade Lion Squadron Leaving Orbit on their InfiniD Mission

Imaginarium Theater
The Best Videos From Around the World Edited for a Gentler Audience

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