Contact Victor Williamson with your questions about simulator based experiential education programs for your school.

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Did You Know the Christa McAuliffe Space Center has its Own Soundtrack? The Odyssey Has Been a Part of the Space Center for 30 Years. Imaginarium Theater

Through the talents of Greg Hansen we have been enjoying our 2nd official Space Center soundtrack. I realized though that we haven't shared the joy of this fantastic music with our community.

You can hear these impactful tunes using the link above and even purchase your own copy. It is National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month and it is a subject we care deeply about and want to support those in need. That's why we donate any proceeds we get from sales to our friends at Hope4Utah.
If you know someone who is struggling we encourage you to reach out and connect with them. If you aren't sure how then you can find some resources to help you at They are worth it.

James Porter
Director, Christa McAuliffe Space Center

The Odyssey Brand Has Been in the Space Center Fleet for 30 Years This Fall

The Odyssey III at the Christa McAuliffe Space Center
With Her Caring Staff

The sun has set on another birthday for our beloved Odyssey simulators (Odyssey, Odyssey II, and Odyssey III). Her presence in the Space Center's Fleet rounded the corner to the sophisticated and respectable age of 30. We have enjoyed many wonderful flights with her and I know you are just as excited to see what the next 30 years brings. As long as we clean up after the occasional space cowboys.

The Odyssey Over the Years

 This picture takes us back to the early 1990's  This is what the Odyssey looked like when it first opened.

I found these ultra cool black Apple computers that I knew had to be in the Space Center's newest ship ISES.   ISES is what I called the Odyssey when it opened.  Dave Wall was the designer and builder of the Odyssey.  He didn't like the name ISES (Inner Space Exploration Ship) and called the ship Seeker.  So, for a year or so, the Odyssey was called either ISES or Seeker, depending on who was talking.

The Entrance to the Odyssey

This disagreement had to be resolved.  People were getting too confused.  Dave and I compromised.  I gave up ISES.  He gave us Seeker (I hated that name) and we both agreed on Odyssey.

Back to the black computers.  Back then you could buy Apple computers in any color you desired, as long as it was white.  Then these black Apple's came on the market and, if you wanted to be cool, you bought one.  I was cool, so I bought several for the Odyssey.

They sat right out there in the open.  These were the days before we hid our computers behind black plastic screens.   

This shot was taken toward the front of the Odyssey.  I couldn't find enough black Apple's, so we had to include a white computer.  It messed up the color scheme but it really didn't matter.  I had a $25,000 grant to build the Odyssey and we had to stay in budget - mismatched computers or not.  

That's a dot matrix printer on the front counter.  It used stacks of perforated paper and made a racket as it printed messages.

The Odyssey II Opened in the Fall of 2013

The Odyssey II Opened in the Fall of 2013

The Odyssey II Opened in the Fall of 2013

The three Odyssey simulators were and still are great ships.  I know many of you had the opportunity to fly in an Odyssey over her thirty years in the fleet.  Just think of all those missions told by all those gifted flight directors......  good times, very good times.  
Happy Birthday USS Odyssey!

Imaginarium Theater
The Best Videos From Around the World Edited for a Gentler Audience

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