Contact Victor Williamson with your questions about simulator based experiential education programs for your school.

Sunday, December 3, 2023

Rob Smith, A True Friend of the Space Center, Retires from the Alpine School District. The New Laser Show at the Christa McAuliffe Space Center. The Side Effects of Space Center Volunteering. Imnaginarium Theater

Rob Smith and Family

     The Space Center community is paying tribute to Rob Smith, who is retiring after nearly 22 years of serving as the ASD Business Administrator. Rob has always been a good friend of the Space Center.  Because of his leadership and gentle arm twisting, the Space Center was able to raise the necessary funds from private donors to build the new planetarium and the funds to make our simulators what they are today.  
     When news of the demolition of the old Central School came out I received a call from Rob asking me to stop by his office.  Rob grilled me on the history of the Space Center, how it came to be, its mission, original goals and vision.  He told me he was putting together a funding presentation to take to businesses both in and out of Utah for the purpose of raising the funds to build a world class space education center complete with a real planetarium; and that is just what he did. 
     I've said this many many times over the last 33 years and I'm going to say it again; "When the Space Center has had a need, the right person always walks through the door."  It is magical how that has happened time and time again.  Rob was that person to help us transition from the old center to the new and for that, we owe him so much.  
     Thank you Rob, and please enjoy your well deserved retirement.  I'm assuming there will be many visits to the Space Center included in your soon to be abundant free time :)  


The New Daft Punk Show at the Christa McAuliffe Space Center.  You've got to Come See This One. 

     James Porter has a hit on his hands with the new Daft Punk laser light show at the Space Center. If you like great music played on a state of the art sound system in a fog filled planetarium illuminated by scores of lasers then this show is for you.  The would make an excellent family Christmas outing for the holiday season.  Book tickets today through the Space Center's website.  

Volunteering at the Christa McAuliffe Space Center has a Lasting Impact 

     Can one ever be the same after volunteering at the Space Center?  Skyler Carr and Brooks Heder both volunteered as teens way back when and look at them now.  

     Skyler and Brooks work for InfiniD Learning, taking the concept of experiential education through engaging simulations to the world. 

 Imaginarium Theater
The Week's Best Videos From Around the World Edited for a Gentler Audience

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