Contact Victor Williamson with your questions about simulator based experiential education programs for your school.

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Megan Warner to Work at American Heritage School's Discovery Space Center. Bill Schuler, the Man Behind the Space Center Display Case. Imaginarium Theater

Megan Warner to Become American Heritage School's Starship Discovery Field Trip Coordinator 

     Megan Warner was hired last week to flight direct the daytime in school Starship Discovery field trips for the students at American Heritage School in American Fork.  She will be working alongside Alex DeBirk, the Discovery Space Center's Director.  Lately, Alex has been burning the candle from both ends as he tries to keep up with both his responsibilities at the school; teaching high school physics and directing the space center.  
     With her new duties at American Heritage, Megan will be the only duel space center flight director.  She has been working with Bracken Funk at The Space Place at Renaissance Academy for past few years both supervising and flight directing the Voyager.  She is also working to refit the small trailer starship Nighthawk at The Space Place.  
      I've worked with Megan for the past 15 plus years (I've lost count). She started as a volunteer at the Christa McAuliffe Space Education Center as a young teen and worked her way up to supervisor, flight director, set director, and center director for one year before James Porter took the reigns as center director at the CMSC.  

Megan and Alex at an Honor's Night Way Back When

Megan on the Magellan in Character

     Megan has become indispensable at The Space Place as Bracken's right hand lady. She flight directs, supervises, creates content, writes missions, trains new supervisors, and generally does a bit of everything to keep the Center working. The Space Place's Nighthawk simulator is her baby. She is restoring it bit by bit to make it space worthy for future missions.  

Megan was The Space Center's Director for One Year

Megan, The Space Place's Right Hand Lady

     Megan is an excellent flight director and will do an amazing job at American Heritage School.  In addition to her work as a daytime field trip flight director, Megan will assist with the school's Voyager Club which meets Wednesday afternoons (when she isn't needed on the Voyager for Renaissance Academy's Voyager and Young Astronaut Clubs).  Megan loves to hear from her old Space Center friends so drop her a line to say hello and to congratulate her on her new position.

Bill Schuler, the Man Behind the Space Center's Display Case Rockets  

     Bill Schuler, the Man, the Myth, the Legend.  Space Center old timers know him as Admiral Schuler, the "by the book" Starfleet Admiral who haunted their overnight camp missions.  You know the guy, the one who spat out Diet Coke foam when stunned...... the Admiral who could spot a piece of lint in the carpet from twenty paces away.  Yes, that's him. Now you remember :)

     Bill Schuler has always been the Space Center's biggest fan and supporter and enthusiastically agreed to take on the job of managing the Center's lobby display case with a variety of different rockets both real and sci-fi for the guests to enjoy while waiting for missions or planetarium shows. 

      Yesterday I found Bill testing the shelf heights for a few new additions to the display.  Bill is meticulous when it comes to his models. He is a professional in that regard and has won many awards from the state plastic modeling organization. The display case has a few of the award winning models. 
      Did you know that the Starbase Williamson sign above the stairway leading from the lobby to the simulators has an Easter Egg tribute to Admiral Bill Schuler?  Look closely.....

     Bill is pointing it out just in case you've not noticed.  There are similar tributes in the sign for other long time Space Center fixtures: Dave Wall, Mark Daymont and Lorraine Houston.  Thank you Bill for everything you do to make the Space Center a magical place of learning. Thank you for all the past years of service, all 31 of them!  You've done much to further our mission of "Creating a Space Faring Civilization".  Today we all salute Admiral Bill Schuler!

Imaginarium Theater
The Week's Best Video's From Around the World Edited for a Gentler Audience

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