Contact Victor Williamson with your questions about simulator based experiential education programs for your school.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

50 Year Anniversary- Luna 3 Pics released

Luna 3 probe

On October 26, 1959, the Soviet Union released a series of pictures taken by the Lunik 3 (Luna 3) probe. The significance of these pictures is that they were the first to show the far side of the moon, previously unseen by man. Launched on October 4, the picture sequence of 29 frames was taken on the 6th and 7th. Once the probe left the moon, on a return towards the Earth, the Russian scientists attempted to transmit the pictures on the 8th but encountered difficulties. Only about 17 poor pictures were able to be transmitted by the 18th of October. These pictures were publicly released on the 26th.

The Undiscovered Country... the Far Side...

Communications with the probe were ended on the 22nd. It is estimated that the probe made several orbital passes of the Earth, but never really achieved a stable orbit and probably burned up in Earth's atmosphere sometime between 1960-1962.

Soviet Commemorative Stamp

One thing I love about the Russians is that they loved their space achievements. The Russians loved to commemorate everything with stamps, and this was a great one.

Mark Daymont,
Space Center Educator

Monday, October 26, 2009

A Chuckle for our Fellow Star Trek Fans.

Hello Troops,
I know, how improper to use Bud Light cans for warp nacelles. Diet Coke cans would be more appropriate but hey........ well worth the laugh.

Mr. W.

The Galileo Nears Completion

The Galileo as of October 24, 2009

Hello Troops,
We are getting closer and closer to finishing the Galileo. Kyle Herring and his team worked this weekend on odds and ends.

  1. The movable control room was delivered. Spencer Robinson built it over the last couple weeks.
  2. Alex A. is finished with the new controls. He started testing them in the school's computer lab on Saturday. He will install the controls once we get the computers and network in place
  3. The Programming Guild spent all day Saturday working on the Galileo's Cocoa Programming.
  4. Kyle and Taylor (his nephew) polished the ship up nicely on Saturday and snapped this picture.

We are excited to welcome this new ship to the Space Center's Fleet. The old Galileo should be up on the Utah State Auction Site if you're interested in bidding on the old Galileo.

Mr. Williamson