Contact Victor Williamson with your questions about simulator based experiential education programs for your school.

Monday, October 26, 2009

The Galileo Nears Completion

The Galileo as of October 24, 2009

Hello Troops,
We are getting closer and closer to finishing the Galileo. Kyle Herring and his team worked this weekend on odds and ends.

  1. The movable control room was delivered. Spencer Robinson built it over the last couple weeks.
  2. Alex A. is finished with the new controls. He started testing them in the school's computer lab on Saturday. He will install the controls once we get the computers and network in place
  3. The Programming Guild spent all day Saturday working on the Galileo's Cocoa Programming.
  4. Kyle and Taylor (his nephew) polished the ship up nicely on Saturday and snapped this picture.

We are excited to welcome this new ship to the Space Center's Fleet. The old Galileo should be up on the Utah State Auction Site if you're interested in bidding on the old Galileo.

Mr. Williamson


Ashley Sanborn said...

Seriously, that thing is spiff.

David said...

That looks awesome. Just don't let the janitors ride it around the lunch room this time. Any bets on who is going to give the new girl her first dent?

Also, part of me wants to buy the old ship really badly (it's got my dad's old iBook in it after all!) but I can only imagine what my wife would say if I actually won the auction.

Anonymous said...

What is the web site where your selling the galalayo