Contact Victor Williamson with your questions about simulator based experiential education programs for your school.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Part-time Programmer Position

Company Name: iWorlds Training LLC
Address: 5255 North Edgewood Dr, Suite 200, Provo, UT 84604
Contact: David Moon
Phone: (801) 434-3000

Pay range: $12 to $15 per hour depending on skills and experience

Looking to hire software programmer for part-time position, approx. 20-30 hours per week. Work from home is a possibility, hours are flexible. Objective C or C++ experience and familiarity with both Windows and Mac OS X are required. Cocoa experience preferred. Adobe Flash experience preferred. HTML, Java, and web programming experience is a plus. Experience with graphics, animation and/or 3-D modeling also a plus.

Project description: iWorlds is launching a partnership with Utah Valley University (UVU) and the Christa McAuliffe Space Education Center (CMSEC) in Pleasant Grove to create a full-immersion simulator experience at UVU, similar to the one at CMSEC. Familiarity with the CMSEC space simulations is a plus, but not required. More information about the types of space mission simulations currently being run at CMSEC can be found at and at Programming position will be helping upgrade the software tools and controls for operating the simulators to both the Cocoa language and application framework on Macintosh computers, and to Flash for implementation on Windows computers, in preparation for launching a simulator at UVU. Work will involve participating with existing programmers helping at the CMSEC in moving the controls to the new software platform, and modifying/enhancing the code as necessary to implement the desired simulation experience at UVU.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


There is a darkness gathering around the old order. The Empire is not as secure today as it was yesterday. Change is coming. Do you see it in the sky? Do you feel it in the wind?

Feel the Force..........

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Two Items for your Consideration

The Lesson is in the packaging. (Click to enlarge, then read. That's an Order).
Haven't I always said, always start with the easiest solution when facing a problem. Things can get complicated quickly if you let them. Yes, I'm talking OUT OF CONTROL. Don't let it happen.
Remember, Keep it Simple.......

Oh, and one other thing. A new appointment you should all be aware of:

Bracken Funk is hereby appointed the Space Center's Grammar Nazi. Sheeez..... He was all over me yesterday for a few minor grammatical and spelling errors made in my last post.

Now Have a Great Day and I'll see many of you soon in the Trenches. Our battle against ignorance, apathy and imaginationdepleatsheitus continues.

We will fight. We will Never Surrender.

Mr. W.