Contact Victor Williamson with your questions about simulator based experiential education programs for your school.

Sunday, April 4, 2021

Happy Easter From The Good Folks at The Troubadour.

What can I say.... It was either him or me for that money egg.

Hello Troops,

It is a busy Easter so The Troubadour staff (all one of them) is using the day for eating mass quantities of food and participating in every Easter egg hunt I can find. I may be coming to your  home because my own family has barred me from hunting Easter eggs. I tend to get overly excited with a gentle shove here and a trip there to get rid of the competition. Yes there are tears with snotty noses but the little ones need to learn how to fight for what they want in today's world.  Have a great day and enjoy the new Imaginarium Theater with family and friends.  

Mr. Williamson

Imaginarium  Theater

The Best Videos From Around the World Edited for a Gentler Audience

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