Contact Victor Williamson with your questions about simulator based experiential education programs for your school.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Live Code Free Programming Classes! Enroll now.

Hello Troops,
The Space Center is offering a free computer programming class. Our instructors will be teaching LiveCode (Revolution). The Magellan, Odyssey, Phoenix and Galileo are currently programmed in LiveCode. This weekly course will be held every Wednesday, 6:00 - 7:20 P.M. starting September 7, 2011. November 9th will be the last class.

The class is open primarily to Space Center volunteers and staff, but the general public is welcome to attend, again at no charge.

A course description is given below.

If you are interested in attending, please call Mr. Williamson at the Space Center, 801.785.8713.

Mr. Williamson

Each Class will consist of:
  • Instruction
  • In-class examples
  • Practice Problems
  • “Take five minutes, and try to make x, y, and z happen”
  • A quiz
  • A homework assignment
Overall Class Structure by week
  • Cards, stacks, controls, commands (basic)
  • Explain the Programming set up.
  • Show how to create a controls and edit the script of a newly created control. Explain the dictionary as well as the message box.
  • Explain what the inspector pane does. Objective: Make a stack with controls and a button that, when clicked on, says “Hello World”
  • Vocabulary introduced
  • Stack
  • Card
  • Control
  • Command
  • Parameter
  • Basic Messages (MouseUp, MouseDown)
  • Sample problems
  • Using the dictionary, find out what “MouseUp” is
  • Homework
  • Learn what a variable is, and make a button that brings up an answer box. When you click an answer, it answers again telling you what you clicked.
  • Variables, Properties, Control Structures
  • Message Path, Commands, handlers, functions
  • Variable types: Local/Global; arrays
  • Media part 1: Images and quicktime movies
  • Media part 2: Graphics and effects
  • Files, URL get/puts, simple HTTP file downloads
  • Socket-level networking crash course, callbacks
  • Custom props, synthetic + virtual properties, behaviors/OOP
  • Beyond LiveCode

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