Contact Victor Williamson with your questions about simulator based experiential education programs for your school.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Tuesday. January 11. A Rant for the Day. Excuse me while I get up on my Soapbox.

Hello Troops,
International standardized test results are in. As predicted, American students did poorly in all subjects and measurements except one when compared to their counterparts in the industrialized world. Can you guess which area American students excelled?

Yes, its Self Esteem. Why is that you wonder? Because our American culture is overly focused on creating schools that make students feel good about themselves, even if their scores, behaviors and attitudes don't warrent such praise. Praise is given where it is not deserved. Rewards are presented when they are not earned. It is all in the effort to 'make the child feel good about himself'.

May I used a term to describe my feelings on the subject? Hogwash.

If we continue on this misguided course we'll have lines of unemployed people who feel good about themselves but have no marketable skills and can't provide for themselves or their families. The focus of the world's economy would have shifted eastward across the Pacific. These people will complain that "no one cares" and wonder why "someone doesn't do something for them". They will remind each other how special they are as they stomp their feet in the cold and grumble that life isn't fair. Wow, a reality lost on an entire generation.

I've traveled the world. I've been to 28 countries. I've visited their schools. If we don't wake up and begin demanding excellence from our students, teachers and schools (and of course parents, because if parents don't enforce excellence at home then everything schools do becomes pointless) then we will find the sun setting on this country's future and shining brightly on Asia.

Meet your future employers and creditors.
Sobering isn't it? And it may be too late to turn the tide.
Go on, Ask them how they feel about themselves? Laughable isn't it?

Amdrew Lam in New America Media wrote:
That Asian-Americans dominate higher education in the last few decades in America is also worth noting. Less than 5 percent of the country’s population, Asian-Americans typically make up 10 to 30 percent of the best colleges. In California, Asians form the majority of the University of California system. And at University of California, Berkeley, Asian freshmen have reached the 46 percent mark this year. Also worth noting is that of the Asian population in the United States, two out of three are immigrants, born in a continent where self-esteem is largely earned through achievements, and self-congratulatory behaviors discouraged, and more importantly, humility is still something of a virtue.

In the East, the self is best defined in its relation to others – person among persons – and most valued and best expressed only through familial and communal and moral deference. That is far from the self-love concept of the West – where one is encouraged to look out for oneself, and truth seems to always originate in a minority of one.

In much of modernizing Asia, of course, individualism is making inroads. The Confucian culture that once emphasized harmony and unity at the expense of individual liberty is now in retreat.

But if there’s a place in Asia that still vigilantly keeps the ego in check, if not suppressed, it’s the classroom. In Asia, corporal punishment is still largely practiced. Self-esteem is barely a concept, let alone encouraged. Though not known to foster creativity, an Asian education with its emphasis of hard work and cooperation, critics argue, still largely provides the antidote to the culture of permissiveness and disrespect of authority of the West.

In the West, the word kung fu is known largely as martial arts. It has a larger meaning in the East: spiritual discipline and the cultivation of the self. A well-kept bonsai is good kung fu, so is a learned mind and so, for that matter, is the willingness to perfect one’s guitar playing. East and West may be commingling and merging in the age of globalization, but beware - that ubiquitous baseball cap that Funtwo is wearing on YouTube can mislead - it houses very different mentalities in Asia - for when it comes to the perception of self, East and West remain far apart.

Has the emphasis for self-confidence gone too far in America? Take the French tune "Frere Jacques" in preschool, for example. French children may still sing it as “Brother Jack! You’re sleeping! Ring the bells!” But in America the once innocuous song has been converted to: "I am special! I am special! Look at me! " No surprise that the little train that could is exhausted: it’s been laden with super-sized American egos.

In a classic 1992 study, psychologists Harold Stevenson and James Stigler compared academic skills of elementary school students in Taiwan, China, Japan and the United States. It showed a yawning gap in self-perception between East and West. Asian students outperformed their American counterparts, but when they were asked to evaluate their performances, American students evaluated themselves significantly higher than those from Asia. “In other words, they combined a lousy performance with a high sense of self-esteem,” noted Nina H. Shokraii, author of “School Choice 2000: What’s Happening in the States”, in an essay called “The Self Esteem Fraud.”
Troops, don't misread this by saying that self esteem has no place in our schools because it does. What I'm saying today, as I've said in the past, is too much of anything is bad. Schools should be institutions of encouragement and "the skies the limit" not an overemphasis on 'how everyone feels today'.

It is time to roll up our sleeves, put away the electronics and study. It is time to take the hard classes. It is time to demand teachers that hold your feet to the fire and not pat you on the head and send you on your way with a sucker and good helping of self esteem. Don't accept praise unless it is really earned. Give back the silly 'participation' ribbon when given and shock them to their core by saying: "I didn't win. In fact, I sucked. Why are you giving this to me?" It's time to refocus attention on schoolwork. We have the American Dream to protect and it all begins in the classroom and at home.

Let's do this.

Mr. W.

How about a smile to end the day. You deserve it for reading my ranting. This is a bit of sci-fi crossed with a children's classic.

Wookie the Chew

Monday, January 10, 2011

Monday at the Center

We're Back for Another Week.
Some alert and aware.
Others exist in a twilight zone of consciousness, afflicted by stupors of thought

Hello Troops,
It's Monday at the Space Center. Amazing how that happens every seven days.
We've got a busy week with field trips, after school field trips and private missions. This weekend we host 45 students from Sego Lily Elementary School.

Our overnight camp went well. The Highland kids were generous in their scores. I'd like to congratulate the Voyager for taking top honors. Good work Jon Parker and his staff. They flew Canada. The Magellan came in a very close second.

I want to congratulate Erin W. for earning her One Year of Volunteer Service Pin. The pin was awarded during our End of Camp meeting in Discover on Saturday. Erin is an awesome volunteer. By the way, please ignore the cheesy smile. I only get a few hours of sleep on overnight camps, and by 10:30 A.M. Saturday I'm on my 27th working hour (having started at 7:00 P.M. Friday morning), so anything I do on Saturdays is done on mental fumes only. Real coherent thought eludes me until Sunday morning.

The Super Saturday also went well. We were all anxious to get home though. It was a busy week back from the holiday vacation.

How about a few items from the Imaginarium to start the week off right?

Look at the sticker in the window, then look at the license plate. Get it? My "Earth was Visited by Ancient Astronauts" friends will (its a TV show that really stretches the theory that man's development throughout history was the direct result of alien intervention).

The perfect place for your iphone. Yes, you'll be the talk of the school. Be sure to wear your Wranglers and cowboy boots. Oh, and a nice western cut plaid shirt will top it all off perfectly.

What a great logo for a band of Space Pirates. Too bad everyone recognizes the source. Curse you Star Wars..

And finally, an add from when I was a youngster. Didn't care too much about cavities back then did we?

Hope to See you Soon in the Trenches!
Mr. Williamson

Friday, January 7, 2011

It's Friday. What a Happy Day.

Hello Troops,
Our first Friday back from the Christmas Holiday. Highland Elementary students will be attending our overnight camp. Tomorrow is the January Super Saturday. Fun and excitement all around. Let's get this weekend off to a great start.

By the way, when is the last time you attended a Space Center program? Perhaps its time to book a Super Saturday or private mission. Don't forget a summer camp. Summer camp registration begins in two weeks.

Are we ready for a few items from the Imaginarium......

Hogwart's Approved Game Consoles

I've always wondered about those Hufflepuff kids. What criteria does the sorting hat use to select a Hufflepuff? The mental picture I get of a Hufflepuff is someone soft and cuddly. I'm wondering if Mrs. Weasley was a Hufflepuff. Did we ever get to meet a Hufflepuff in the movies. Perhaps we didn't because they were the ones that never came out of the library....

Here's an idea of something creative to do the next time its snows. Surprise everyone on your block. Go out and turn all the parked cars into something from Cars. You'll be the talk of the town.

This next one cannot be true. They forgot something..... duct tape.
OK, this is for all of you out there that love the British sitcom "The IT Crowd". It is awesome and has Mr. Williamson's seal of approval (although it would be rated PG if it were a film so perhaps not for the youngest in the home. The Brits can be a bit 'off color' at times with their humor). Any more of you "IT Crowd" fans out there?

And from the "Why didn't I think of this when I built my house" Department... It is the ultimate 'get away' room.

And finally, The Pirate Crossword Puzzle.

OK Troops, you've had your fun. Time to strap on your gear and head into the trenches. There be ignorance to conquer in all it forms today.

Remember, use use your imagination or lose it. Do something creative today, even something as simple as driving a different way to work, or be really daring and instead of that Diet Coke, how about a Diet Dew! What about brushing your teeth with your opposite hand, or ordering something from your favorite fast food stop that you've not tried before. Think of the endless possibilities.

Have a Great Day and I hope to see you soon at the Space Center.

Mr. W.