Contact Victor Williamson with your questions about simulator based experiential education programs for your school.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Weekly Update from the Space Center

Our Condolences to Mrs. Houston
On Monday we learned that Mrs. Houston's father passed away. Lorraine is a teacher at the Space Center. She has been with us for nearly fifteen years. Lorraine took the week off to spend with her mother and family and will return to the Center on Monday, March 31st. Our condolences to Lorraine and her family.

A Busy Week
Busy isn't the word to describe last week at the Center. The simulators were running morning, noon, and night. By Saturday 5:00 P.M. the wear on the staff was obvious. It was all I could do to keep from curling up on the floor behind my desk and going to sleep for several hours. Brittany (Magellan Flight Director) came staggering in from the Magellan and collapsed into the desk chair opposite mine in the Briefing room. "I'm too tired to get up," she kept repeating. I told her sister Nicole, a supervisor in the Magellan, to carry her to the car and get her home to bed. Brittany and Nicole started work Friday afternoon at 4:00 P.M. It was now Saturday 5:30 P.M. - a long 25 + hours! Several of the other Saturday staff were there since Friday. Many already put in long hours during the week with school field trips and private missions.
We have two months of mind breaking days ahead. Some simulators will be running four missions a day nearly everyday. Luckily we have new flight directors on hand to help with the load. Good news as well - Emily Perry will be returning from university in April to help with the Magellan and Odyssey missions. We have a challenge but it is good to be busy. It means we are doing our job well and our students appreciate our work.

New Flight Directors
I've appointed two volunteers as new Flight Directors. Jordan F is approved to FD in the Phoenix and Christine S will be a new Odyssey FD. Both are full of energy and enthusiastic. They both work well with our campers.

Aleta Clegg New Office Assistant
Troops, I can't keep doing everything. I was slowly getting buried in my work load and not getting home until late. Aleta Clegg saw a need and stepped forward to fill it. She offered to
take on several of my office duties. This will free me up to spend more time on missions and flight directing. I also look forward to spending time with the Flight Directors in their simulators helping them sharpen their skills. Aleta is booking all students for summer camp and taking care of the YahooGroup database. She handles many of the phone calls as well.
Thank you Aleta!

Wrap Up
My thanks to our wonderful staff and volunteers for the many hours, paid and unpaid, you spend at the Center creating our one of a kind EdVentures. My thanks to our campers and students for coming to the Center. You are why we are here. Let us know how we are doing by sending me an email: I'd like to know what we are doing right and how we can improve.

Mr. Williamson

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