Contact Victor Williamson with your questions about simulator based experiential education programs for your school.

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Announcing the Construction of a New Dream Flight Adventures Simulator: The IKS Commodore in Perryopolis Pennsylvania. The Farpoint Universe Graphic Novel. Theater Imaginarium.

     The number of experiential simulators inspired by the USS Voyager (Sim1) continues to grow with the announcement of a new simulator in Pennsylvania. We have an Incoming communique from Dream Flight Adventures' Admiral Starblayze.
Posted on December 31, 2016 by Admiral Starblayze
     It appears that the Infinity Knight shipyards are active once again constructing yet another vessel to take brave crews of bright kids on adventures across the universe!  Details are scarce, but the transmission originates from the vicinity of Frazier School District in Perryopolis, PA.

The datastream also makes mention of two new makerspaces to accompany the ship.

     The encrypted shipyard files bear the codename IKS Commodore. The Troubadour's historical listing of ships gives it the Voyager Inspired Simulator number SIM46.  Stay tuned for updates.
The Farpoint Universe Storyboarded for a Graphic Novel

Drake, Alex, Isaac, and MacKenzie hard at work on storyboarding while I take a picture or two and
graze out of the sugar bucket.
      One of the many projects I worked on over the Christmas Holiday was the Farpoint Universe. Our good friends at Telos Academy notified me they had two artists onboard ready and willing to create a graphic novel to introduce our USS Voyager crews to the Farpoint Universe.  Luckily we have a great creative team on board to take on the project because my plate is full to overflowing (so full in fact I'm leaving carpet stains wherever I go).  

Mr. W. 

Theater Imaginarium
The week's best gifs edited for a general audience. Great for classroom rewards.

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