Contact Victor Williamson with your questions about simulator based experiential education programs for your school.

Saturday, January 7, 2017

My Saturday and a Fantastic 200 + Imaginarium: Perfect for those Below Zero Blues.

The Weekend Imaginarium

I spent the day working. Up at 4:00 A.M. why, because my brain shouts "Wake Up!". I have too much to do and not enough time to do it. I read a bit, went to WalMart to meet "my people" - the other early morning walkers.  My friends at Walmart know my schedule and always have three dozen glazed baker's dozen donuts ready for me.  Choosing between a Diet Dew and a Diet Coke is my morning intellectual challenge. Some days its a Dew; other days a Diet Coke.

I decided on the freeway instead of the hospital / Highland route to the school. Sometimes I do that just to add some spice to my predictable life.  Regular as clockwork, my 8:00 A.M. programming class showed up to create marvels and wonders in Scratch code. They left to find other things to occupy their Saturday at 9:30 A.M.  Alone, except for a few of the USS Voyager's genius techs working in the simulator downstairs, I was left to finish the Long Duration Mission schedule and squadron assembly for the year.  It was a three hour task, interrupted by a stroll or two up and down the hall to force circulation through my legs.  

Left Renaissance Academy at 3:00 P.M.  As I approached Pleasant Grove it started to snow. Would I go home and ignore the slow leak in my back driver's side tire or get it repaired.  I hate difficult decisions.  In the end, I had the tire fixed. Les Swabb was busy so I played the waiting game. Go ahead and ask me to list all the standard tire sizes the Lindon store carries.  

Stopped at the Space Center on my way home to drop off the leftover donuts from the programming class.  They were happy.  Always good to see the staff and volunteers at the second happiest place on Earth "required homage to Disney".  

Now I'm home. I'm too tired to think of anything to write so I won't. Why don't I just share an enormous Imaginarium.  Are you good with that?

The Imaginarium   

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