Contact Victor Williamson with your questions about simulator based experiential education programs for your school.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

And So Ends Another Day.....

Hello Troops,
It's 11:24 P.M. on the second night of our fifth EdVenture Camp. Its all quiet on the Voyager. Once again, just the sound of the air conditioner. I think the crew must be downstairs with Jon and Zac listening to camp stories.

I've got five of the younger campers in the Odyssey to my left and staff in the Phoenix behind me. They tolerate the light from my lamp. The younglings in the Odyssey are talking, or I should say - one of them seems to be doing all the talking and the others insert a word here and there when he stops to breath. I'm hoping I'll be spare the constant interruption suffered last night. I've structured the camp in such a way the campers should be completely exhausted by now and should sleep soundly so we can all do the same. The kids were kept busy from 7:15 A.M. until 11:10 P.M. with missions, classes, eating, playing, swimming and a video.

I'm trusting the Sandman will not pass Central School as he does his rounds through Pleasant Grove tonight.

Nothing eventful to report, except to say my stock of Trafalgar Ludicrous Passes crew today after negotiating a trade of passes for missions with the management of Trafalgar and 7 Peaks. I picked up the passes this afternoon at 7 Peaks Resort. Volunteers and staff can redeem points from their volunteer cards for these passes. If interested, let me know.

It was cold at the pool this evening. The temperatures dipped into the low 70's accompanied by a moderate wind. We had the pool until 9:15 P.M. but most of the campers were out of the water by 9:00 P.M. I told the manager on duty to blow the whistle. We exited almost ten minutes early. It was all good, that gave us more time for bed.

One of the boys is telling a joke.
"Do you guys what to hear a joke?" he said. "Woman's Rights!"
There was polite laughter. I wonder where that boy got that joke? OK they're off on a joke telling bonanza.

I'm going to bed. The Sandman is here.

Its Pleasant Dreams in Pleasant Grove,

Mr. W.

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