Contact Victor Williamson with your questions about simulator based experiential education programs for your school.

Monday, September 30, 2013

The Universe from the Very Small to the Very Big. The Imaginarium. It's the Right Way to Start the Week

Hello Troops,
This video shows the range from the smallest thing to the largest objects in the known universe.  It's six minutes well worthy of your time to understand the nature of all that surrounds you.

The Imaginarium
Because, just because

The beginning and end of autumn

One million colors

Sunday, September 29, 2013

A Room with a View. Flaming Kitten Zombies. Space and Science News. The Imaginarium.

A Room with a View

  In the early evenings, after I get home from battling the forces of ignorance with my sixth grade comrades, I spend a few minutes posting to The Troubadour before calling it a day.  The rest of the evening is mine from 8:00 P.M. on.  I have my supper, and then settle down to one of my favorite hobbies,  Netflixing on my 65 inch TV.

     The Troubadour is researched, written and assembled in my home office or my deck (if the weather is agreeable).  Both places are my sanctuaries with wonderful views.
    When I was a deacon in my home town of Rapid City, South Dakota, one of my summer jobs was to mow our mission home's large yard.  The mission home sat atop a hill overlooking Canyon Lake and western Rapid City.  I'd finish that yard feeling hot, sweaty and tired.  The mission president's wife would pay me, then invite me to sit on the home's large wooden deck and enjoy a nice ice cold lemonade. I enjoyed that time spent drinking lemonade while smelling the scent of ponderosa pines on a hot South Dakota summer afternoon.  
     From that deck, I'd look down on the town below and watch the sun's rays ripple across the surface of the blue lake.  I told myself that one day I'd live in a house with a nice view - even if it meant living in a box.
     I built my home in 1993.  It's a simple school teacher's house, but it has the view I always wanted - and that is good.  
    I know many of you readers also enjoy beautiful views from your homes.  I'd like to see and share them.  Take a picture and send it to   Go ahead and make me jealous.   

Mr. W.

P.S.  Be careful what you send. I may pack my belongings and move in if the few from your home is better than mine.  All I need is a corner where I can put down a cot, enjoy the view and Netflix to my heart's content.

Flaming Kitten Zombies
Farpoint educator Aleta Clegg exemplifies the basic principle of the Imaginarium:  Taking the Ordinary and Making it Extraordinary.  Aleta is a graduate student at BYU.  Below is one of her assignments.  I'll bet there wasn't another project as imaginative as hers.  In fact, I'll bet the others were quite dull and boring.


Thank you Aleta for setting the proper example.  When faced with a project or assignment, think out of the box and make it unique.  It will be remembered, even if it flops.  I should know, I've had my share of successes and flops, but never regretted taking the road less traveled.

Sony Computer in 2020

The Autumn Constellations

As the constellations of summer depart from the Northern Hemisphere's sky, they are replaced by what are often called "the watery constellations," which include normal sea creatures like fishes and dolphins as well as strange creatures we'd call monsters:
The constellations of autumn include some strange monsters like Capricornus, the Sea Goat, Cetus, the Sea Monster, and Pegasus, the Flying Horse.  Read More

Military Concepts to Weaponize Space

From Science Gymnasium

A look at military concepts to weaponize space; how such systems would work and how effective would they be, such as an idea of telephone pole-sized rods that could be hurtled down from orbit. Also a look at some more fantastic weapon ideas and defenses against such weapons, such as ground base lasers.  Read and watch a video.

Orbital Science's Cygnus Spacecraft Set to Dock with International Space Station


A commercial cargo vessel's historic first arrival at the International Space Station is now set for Sunday (Sept. 29), one week later than originally planned, NASA officials say.The unmanned Cygnus spacecraft, built by Virginia-based company Orbital Sciences, is expected to be grabbed by the orbiting lab's huge robotic arm at 7:15 a.m. EDT (1115 GMT) on Sunday, with docking operations beginning two hours later. You can watch all the action live at, courtesy of NASA TV; coverage begins at 4:30 a.m. EDT.

From Quarks to Quasars
As a species, we all contemplate the existence of extra-terrestrial civilizations living in the far reaches of the universe, and we imagine that they have mind-bogging technology that we can’t even being to drum up using our collective imagination. So far though, there have been no clear indicators (well, depending on who you ask) that there is anything beyond homosapiens, which is equal parts depressing and terrifying. After all, if aliens were real, surely there would be some clear signs of their existence, right? Well, there are all sorts of theories put forth in the Fermi paradox that postulate why there may be no signs…everything ranging from our technology being so basic compared to theirs that we are unable to pick up whatever radio signals they have sent out into the abyss, to ET’s knowing we are here, but choosing not to reach out to us to avoid hindering our progress. However, a new theory has been put forth that, frankly, makes all of the alternatives seem kind of lame.   Read More

A Simple Deck of Cards Can Mean So Much