Contact Victor Williamson with your questions about simulator based experiential education programs for your school.

Friday, April 30, 2010

A Comment on the Space Center Found on the Web.

Hello Troops,
This was posted to YouTube about the Space Center. I enjoyed reading it and thought to pass it along to you.
Remember, regular imagination recharges keeps you young at heart. Use botox for the rest :)

Mr. Williamson

And Now, The Comment:
Oh Man. . . I remember 6th grade. . . I was assigned to the Odessy, with the hardest mission they had. Oh man. . . one of the scariest moments of my life was spent on that ship. I was tactical, and a few years later, my little brother went on a variation of the same mission on the same ship, but as engineering. Same reaction. The best moment of the mission for me though was near the end. I was starting to have an advantage on the enemy, but they shut it off as I was about to destroy him!

1 comment:

Marissa said...

It took me forever to learn the correct way to spell "Odyssey".