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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Latest Space News. Mark Daymont

STS-131 Second spacewalk hits a snag

Astronaut Rick Mastracchio dangles high above the Earth.

During a seven hour spacewalk, astronauts Rick Mastracchio and Clay Anderson worked to finish the installation of the station's new Ammonia Tank Assembly. However, a sticky bolt prevented them from finishing the job, as well as failing to retrieve a couple of meteorite shields. These items will be left for the third spacewalk.

View of ISS robotic arms awaiting commands.

Where's Discovery?

215 miles up.

The astronauts were awakened a little more than an hour ago, and Astronauts Rick and Clay are suiting up for their third spacewalk of the mission. They'll need to finish off some leftover tasks regarding the Ammonia Tank before completing the rest of their assignments.

In the meantime, Discovery is pictured above, docked to the station, with the aft section pointed down toward planet Earth. That little piece of terrain in the picture is fairly well known. Can any of you identify the large body of water at the bottom of the photo?

By Mark Daymont
From his Blog:


Anonymous said...

that is the red sea below the space station. :)

Anonymous said...

you can tell because in the left the dark line is the Nile River and the unmistakable triangular shape of the Sinai Peninsula. just above the Peninsula is Israel.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to say the dead sea.