Contact Victor Williamson with your questions about simulator based experiential education programs for your school.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Things to Make You Think. Space and Science News. The Imaginarium.

Hello Troops,
First, a request from Caitlynn S.,  a long time Space Center volunteer in need of your eyes and a couple minutes of your time.  Let's see what we can do for her.   

"Hey! I am trying to win this contest to potentially go on a trip to some different countries with Education First. :) I made a video for it and the more votes I can get, the higher my chances of getting to the interview stage of the process will be. It would really mean a lot of if you could help me out!"

Bill Nye and the Journey of Discovery

Space and Science News

Thank you Science.  Miracles in Our Day.

Joanne Milne has been deaf since birth due to a condition called Ushers Syndrome. She was fitted with cochlear implants, and her friend Tremayne recorded this video of the first time they were switched on and uploaded it to YouTube.
Science Summary of The Week

➤ Cosmic Inflation Evidence:
➤ Chicken From Hell Dinosaur:
➤ Night Vision Lenses:
➤ Titan’s Liquid Waves:
➤ DNA Mugshots:
➤ Stem Cells From Blood:
➤ New Mineral:
➤ 3D-printed Splint:

Soyuz Arrives Late but Safe to ISS

Soyuz TMA-12M on approach to ISS.

The second half of Expedition 39 arrived at the International Space Station yesterday, a little late from having to endure the two day voyage instead of the planned six hour shortcut. A missed thruster firing had resulted Tuesday when the spacecraft computers deemed the craft was out of correct position.

The crew of TMA-12M. L to R: astronaut Steve Swanson, Soyuz Commander cosmonaut Alexander Skvortsov, cosmonaut Oleg Artemyev.

Automatic computer maneuvering docked the Soyuz spacecraft at a few minutes shy of 6 pm MDT. The Soyuz is docked to the Russian-built Polsk docking compartment. After equalizing air pressures and docking safety checks, the crew opened the hatches at 8:35 MDT and the crew escaped the cramped confines of the Soyuz capsule to enter the wide open spaces of the ISS. After a welcoming ceremony, the crew was given a safety tour of the station. The entire crew will have Friday "off" as the new crew accommodates to the new routines.

Broadcast of the Welcome ceremony. The new crewmembers are in front. In back are (L-R) Station Commander Koichi Wakat of Japan, Flight Engineer Rick Mastracchio, and Roscosmos cosmonaut Mikhail Tyurin of Russia.
By Mark Daymont
Farpoint Educator

Saturday's Imaginarium
Sit Back, Relax and leave the driving to us.

World War Two Conservation Poster

A Nerf Gun Surveillance System

People From Around the World:
Diversity is at the heart of humanity

Wanta Go to Prom?

A deer hit paint job

The World's Largest Tree-house.

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