Contact Victor Williamson with your questions about simulator based experiential education programs for your school.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

We Trust in Science. This Week in Science. The Imaginarium.

Hello Troops,
     I post the following photo and video not to make a statement against religion, for I am a person of faith.  I see God and science as one in the same. The God I worship is found through prayer and by exploring his works in the universe around us.
     I was once asked why we don't see miracles today.  Is it a sign that God doesn't exist, or perhaps he has abandoned us to fate and chance?  
     Watch the video below and tell me there are no miracles today.  We are growing up as a species. And as any good parent should, our God inspires us and then steps back to let us take these small baby steps toward a perfect understanding of the universe and our place in it.
     Support science in your communities.  Insist on good science education in our schools. Give generously to the science programs dedicated to improving our lives, and don't forget to take a moment out of your busy schedule and ponder the wonders out there waiting to be discovered.

Mr. W.              

In Science We Trust

➤ Cosmic Inflation Evidence:
➤ Chicken From Hell Dinosaur:
➤ Night Vision Lenses:
➤ Titan’s Liquid Waves:
➤ DNA Mugshots:
➤ Stem Cells From Blood:
➤ New Mineral:
➤ 3D-printed Splint:

The Imaginarium
We are ordinary in many things and extraordinary in a few.  Discover the few inside you. 

Cool!  Find Out How many days old are you?  Find Out

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