Contact Victor Williamson with your questions about simulator based experiential education programs for your school.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Aleta Clegg's Book is Published!

Dear Space Center Volunteers, Staff and Campers:

As some of you know, I've been writing novels for many many years. The first one in print is now available on Amazon, Barnes&Noble, my publisher, and if you are patient, you can get an autographed copy from me sometime in January.

If you are at all interested, please search for Nexus Point by Jaleta Clegg on Amazon (boost my listing place, please!) and Barnes and Noble. If you want to read the first three chapters, they are free on

This is the Amazon Link

Aleta Clegg, writing as Jaleta Clegg

A Note from Mr. Williamson:
Aleta is a Flight Director, Curriculum Specialist and Teacher at the Space Center. Congratulations Aleta!


Shauna said...

Way to go, Aleta! Greatness abounds at the Space Center. How pleased I am to know you!

Anonymous said...

Whats it about?

Anonymous said...

I just rated it five stars for you, and I was the first on to rate it so far so your book has a five star rating right now. :) I'm going to try and order it soon. Sounds like a great book!

Ashley Sanborn said...

That is awesome, congratulations! :) Read the synopsis on Amazon and it sounds great. I'll definitely have to check it out.

p.s. Any tips for aspiring writers?

Missileman said...

Congratulations! A soon as I saw this I went to the Amazon link and ordered it. I'm excited to read it.

Jaleta Clegg said...

Thanks for the great support! If you want tips for writers, please email me. I've got a lot of them. The contact info is at the bottom of the page

I'm working on finding a way to make the book available at the space center as a fundraiser for a new planetarium. I'll let you know what Bossman and I work out.

cachestarhouse said...

Way to go, Aleta!