Contact Victor Williamson with your questions about simulator based experiential education programs for your school.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Phoenix Leadership Transfers With the Passing of the Mic.

The Very Moment Set Directorship Passed. The Phoenix Enters a New Era.

Hello Troops,
A leadership change happened at the Space Center tonight at 6:40 P.M. Megan Warner, Alex Anderson, Bracken Funk and I stepped into the Phoenix Simulator for the traditional passing of the Set Director’s Microphone. It is the Space Center’s way of saying goodbye to one Set Director and welcoming another.

I appointed Alex Anderson to become the new Phoenix Set Director. Bracken Funk will be his 2nd. The two will work as a team administrating the Phoenix until Bracken leaves for university in August.

Alex is a long time volunteer and the programmer of the Phoenix. He is a Phoenix Flight Director and knows the ship inside and out. I couldn’t think of anyone better to assume Megan’s responsibilities and continue the fine work she did for several years.

Bracken on the other hand, well.... what can one say about Bracken? I learned a long time ago that it is best to let Bracken speak for Bracken. He does a better job than any of us could :)
What.... I tell a lie. There is one thing Bracken would appreciate me sharing with the Space Center extended family. Bracken would like everyone to know that he is the "God of Flight Directing". I'll leave that said without further comment.

“If it breaks, fix it,” were Megan’s final words to Alex as she passed the mic. Having completed her last official duty as a Set Director she rushed out of the ship, grabbed her jacket and left the Briefing Room saying those words many of you will eventually say when your time comes.
“Mr. Williamson, I officially quit,” and that was that. The Space Center’s loss is the Church’s gain.

Megan leaves behind a well cared for ship and a Space Center full of friends. Tonight she will be set apart as an LDS missionary for deployment to South Korea (after religious boot camp of course).

Good luck to you Megan and Welcome Alex and Bracken into our administrative collective. I know the Phoenix will continue to develop under steady hand and leadership.

Staff and volunteers, Alex and Bracken would like to encourage everyone to continue to offer your services as Phoenix staff. Their goal, with your help, is the make the Phoenix the Space Center's most sought after simulator for our discerning young clientele.

Mr. Williamson

PS. Your comments are welcome on this post. Please feel free to offer your congratulations or sympathies to Alex and Bracken. Please limit your comments to no more than 1000 words (volunteers) or 2000 words (Flight Directors).


Black'N'DeckerPotates said...

Haha I have to say Bracken's face totally made my day, hahah. but I am sad to see Megan go.

Anonymous said...

Is there a 2nd set director all the ships?

Anonymous said...

Megan!! We are going to miss you SO MUCH! Have a fantastic time in Korea!! Alex! Bracken! Don't break the ship. ;) Good luck you guys! :D

TheSlytherinPrefect said...

It is so sad to see Megan go. She was one of the few who never got my name wrong. Oh well, Bracken can make even the worst missions fun in some sort of a bizarre way.

Helena said...

Pictures of Megan on the mission site: Korea Daejeon Mission