Contact Victor Williamson with your questions about simulator based experiential education programs for your school.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Megan's Last Overnight Mission and the Dance that Ended it All.

Hello Troops,
OK, I'm posting my very own video on YouTube and the Blog. Let me set the stage. This was Megan Warner's last overnight camp. Taylor came to me on Friday asking if I had any objection to some of the staff dancing the summer camp's Disco Pizza Dance for the campers.
"Why Not?" I said. "You can do it just before we do votes on Saturday morning."

So, our overnight camp is drawing to an end. The campers are in the gym filling out their post camp surveys. It's time to cast their votes for Lord of the Votes. I call the staff in from the hallway.
"Troops," I say to the assembled group of sixth graders from Mountainville Academy and Wasatch Elementary, "This is Megan Warner's last Overnight Camp before leaving on a mission to South Korea on Wednesday. They are going to perform the famous Summer Pizza Disco Lunch Dance for you right now." With that, Bracken started the music. I had my Fuji picture camera on hand and shot this video.

Welcome to the end of the overnight camp at 9:55 A.M. on December 12 and Megan's Last Dance! Please watch to the end. The camper's get involved. It was a great way to send Megan on.

Thanks Megan for all the years of service to the Space Center and our campers. Thank you for your hours of unpaid work, given unselfishly to our students. Thank you for your devotion to the Phoenix. I really wonder if the Center will be the same with you gone. You've been a good friend to all and yes, from time to time a thorn in the side to a few but that is just the way you are and the way we want you to stay! We wish you all the best in this next challenge you face. Remember us and don't forget our love and support when times get tough.

We got your back! :)

Mr. Williamson


Anonymous said...

You were awesome Megan, we'll miss you!!

Anonymous said...

YA MEGAN! Have fun on your mission you better come back to the center or we'll all fall apart. Ya you may be a thorn in the side but thats jus tbecause you want us volunteers to follow the rules.

Black'N'DeckerPotates said...

Ah !!! I love Megan she's my HERO! I love that girl! She'll make an excellent missionary, hands down!.

Black'N'DeckerPotates said...

Ah !!! I love Megan she's my HERO! I love that girl! She'll make an excellent missionary, hands down!.

Matthew E. Long said...

You rock Megan!!!