Hello Troops,
Christmas vacation is so close you can taste and smell it. You know, I was thinking the other day about alien invasions. I decided, after careful consideration of all facts, that the best time for an alien invasion of Earth would be right after Christmas. Here is my reasoning: Humans eat and eat and then eat some more during the holidays. This non stop feasting results in heavier humans. If the aliens ultimate goal is to.....well.... you know, then right after Christmas would be the best time to invade and herd the cattle into the stockyards, so to speak.
Just something to consider as you make your post holiday plans. Keep your eyes on the skies and if you see bright lights, head for hills.
Now for the News.
Wyatt L is training for Flight Directing in the Odyssey. He ran the first chair position for most of the Overnight Camp this past weekend.
"He's doing survivably well," Emily said when questioned about Wyatt's performance. I watched him for a spell. I thought he did pretty good, except for the few occasions he resembled a deer caught in the headlights. Its that look we get from trainees when they're trying to drink from a fire hose and everything is happening at the same time and everything is bearing down on top of them at once and several things are waiting for their attention and they become so sensory overloaded that the only thing their body can do to compensate is freeze, go blank, and wait in the center of the road for the inevitable.
Keep going Wyatt. According to all indications you're on schedule and doing well in your training.

And now for Josh A. Josh worked hard, flight after flight, to get his Magellan and Voyager passes. His hours of work paid off on Saturday when Mr. Daymont shocked the Space Center World by announcing that Josh A. received his last Magellan pass. Josh made it into the prestigious club of Blue Shirted Supervisors. He gets his special pass that allows him access the 4th grade restrooms. He gets to stand and stare at the black shirt volunteers. He gets to give orders and actually expect them to be carried out! He gets to talk to me and have me really listen instead of pretending (which I do very well). He gets to have first pick of our sorry collection of sleeping pads, dredged out from under the stage every weekend. He gets to sit at the same table as others who wear the collar during our gathering times at 11:00 P.M. Friday and 10:30 A.M. Saturday.
Ah yes, the pleasure I get from presenting someone with their Supervising Shirt. I enjoy their enthusiasm. I enjoy their drive. I enjoy seeing the hope it gives those caught in the black T-Shirt collective to see one of their own fight and claw his way out of the pit and into the light. But most of all, I enjoy seeing them walk up and down the school's halls rubbing their blue collar between their index finger and thumb. Its their polite way of drawing attention to themselves without actually shouting "Everybody Look At ME." It is a polite way to say, "Look at me everyone. Look at what I've done. If you're not impressed you should be. Notice me. Notice the collar. Yes, it really is me. I'm still Josh - just not 'like' you any more. I have Ascended."
Congratulations Josh on your Supervising Shirt. You're a fantastic volunteer and we are honored you share you time with us.
Mr. Williamson
I actually did see a strange flash of green light today inside our school's empty halls. A few kids in one of the surrounding classrooms said,"Hey, did you see that? That must mean the aliens are going to invade earth!" That was quite the optical phenomena.
Atta boy Josh!
Sounds like there is some changing of the gard going on lately.
I know this has nothing to do with this post, but the Google Calendar was probably the best idea you have had in a long time!
I love hearing about all the new staff promotions. Does everyone who gets a collared shirt get one of these Special posts on the blog?
I think Hirshi is HOT!
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