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Saturday, December 4, 2010

Bracken Funk in the Shamgod Race.

Bracken, when he's not in class or in Utah running missions at the Space Center.

Hello Troops,
Bracken Funk is a Space Center Flight Director who is attending Fresno State. He plays on their basketball team. He is in the running for the Shamgod Race. Sound odd? I asked Bracken to send a defination.
The God Shamgod race is a race hosted by, which is a large national sports blog, that takes names in college hoops that are interesting, and piles them together. Then, once the names have all been compiled, the stats of the players are taken, and the players are in a race to see which player in the country with the strangest name, has some amount of basketball skill. 50 players start at the beginning of the season, and throughout the season, players are dropped (those with the worst stats) until a winner is selected, the player who has the weirdest/strangest name (Shamgod), but has the best stats (God), thus, the God Shamgod race.
Please visit the Shamgod website to see Bracken move up in the rankings. Here are the latest standings:

Good luck Bracken!
The Space Center Staff.

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